Specialist News

Specialist Class Awards

Physical Vibe

CSPS Swimming Action Plan 

(commencing 2023)

 We understand how vital swimming and water safety skills are and we endeavour to provide high quality programs that allow for students to be competent and safe around all water settings. We ensure the programs we offer align with the curriculum standards of the Department of Education (DET). 

Please see the updated plan which outlines each year level with regards to swimming programs offered.


Water Safety Week @ CSPS

During Week 8 classes completed water safety activities during their Physical Vibe lesson.

Each sub school completed a variety of dry swimming activities to increase their knowledge and understanding of water safety around different water ways.

The students worked towards achieving the following things:

Foundation:I can signal for help & I can identify where to swim at patrolled beaches

Year 1 & 2: I can identify different dangers in various waterways & I can identify where to swim at patrolled beaches. 

Year 3 & 4: I can differentiate what equipment can be used for a reach and/or throw rescue. 

Year 5 & 6: I can interpret what safety signs and symbols represent & I can identify a RIP and know what to do if caught in one. 


Open Water Learning Experience

What a fantastic way to end the year for our year 3, 4, 5 & 6 students. 

The children had a wonderful time learning  valuable water safety skills. Activities included bodyboarding, signalling for help, wearing lifejackets and completing rescues using floatable objects. 

The students also learnt what to do in an emergency (DRSABCD) and ways to identify a rip.


Wonder Recycling for Schools Rewards

Thankyou to all the families that collected bread tags during 2022. We were lucky enough to be able to redeem the tags for a collection of new balls which will be used during P.E lessons.

Our foundation students have already had the change to play with them.

Media Arts

A big congratulations to all of the students who completed their Media Arts project... They were all creative, entertaining and comical!!! We hope you loved watching your child's video on their Seesaw journal. 

A special mention to 4a who consistantly worked well every week and deserve to get the last Arts award for the year. 

 This week I set the Junior School classes a challenge- They had to plan and create a mini movie all in one lesson! Students had so much fun dressing up, recording themselves and watching their videos. These kids are definitely not camera shy! 

The Middle and Senior classes got to preview all the different animated videos that were created. Students were entertained and amazed!

Now we finish the year with fun and messy Christmas craft activities... Glitter, sparkles and paint oh my!!

Environmental Studies

Years F -2 have been having some interesting adventures over at Sonny's property, they have thoroughly enjoyed immersing themselves in nature and creating lots of interesting nature art.

Year 3/4 students have been making chocolate truffles in cooking, Truffles are a great Christmas gift, so get the kids in the kitchen making this yummy treat!

The Year 5 students finalized and presented their Rube Goldgerg machines, they are a very creative group and came up with some very interesting machines.