Teaching and Learning

Term 3
2022 Book Week | Dreaming with eyes open…
Next week is the annual Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book Week. The CBCA has been bringing children and books together across Australia through Book Week since 1945. Book Week will run from 20th - 26th August and the theme this year is ‘Dreaming with eyes open…’ During this time schools and libraries spend time celebrating books and Australian children's authors and illustrators. This year we are celebrating with school visits from two Australian authors.
On the Watsonia Campus, we have Vikki Conley who will capture the students’ imagination in an interactive story using puppets, song and dance. On Monday 20th August, our Lower Primary students will also have a Book Week Parade where they will dress up as their favourite character from their favourite story.
On the Bundoora Campus, we have Lisa Keskinen who will introduce her book ‘Billy Bobbarooni and the Mystery Words.’ Lisa will talk with the Upper Primary and Secondary 7/8 students about the book design process and engage the students in riddles and dance. Upper Primary and all Secondary students will have an out of uniform day on Friday 25th August where they are encouraged to dress to the theme - ‘Dreaming with eyes open…’
Term 3 Pupil Free Day - Monday August 29th
Just a reminder that Concord School will have a whole school Professional Practice Day on Monday 29th August. Students will not attend school on this day.
Karlie Gooding
Acting Assistant Principal
Teaching and Learning