Victorian State School Spectacular- UPDATE!

On Wednesday, our team of 25 students in the Victorian State School Spectacular Mass Choir took part in their second major rehearsal at the Melbourne Town Hall. Two of our students have been selected to take part in the ‘First Nations’ choir group, and we congratulate Max and Lily-May on their special part in the Mass Choir performance. 


The students had a ling day of singing, listening, following directions and learning musical cues from the conductor. The students were amazingly resilient as they rehearsed several song sections repeatedly until we had it ‘just right’. Ms Jess O’Neil is working with the group at school and supporting their team as we lead up to our performance on 10th September (not long now!).


Whilst we were in the city of Melbourne, we also enjoyed the opportunity to see a few of the sights…



Tickets are still available for families wanting to see the whole ‘spectacular’ performance at John Cain arena.