From the Deputy Principal

Languages Week

Over the past couple of weeks we have celebrated a love of learning and Languages Week. At assembly on Monday we were fortunate to hear from a range of very talented students and staff who speak a second, and sometimes even a third language. We heard Mr Geoff Hardey speak Mandarin, Mrs Lisa Sounness speak French, Ms Theresa Youngs-Lachmund speak German and students speaking Japanese, German, Dutch and Twi (I'll leave you with the challenge of finding out where this language is spoken). I was delighted to see the intrigue, curiosity and puzzlement on the faces of students who were faced with the same challenge many of us face when we travel overseas - having absolutely NO idea of what is being said!  Sometimes it is good to be reminded of how much we have yet to learn. I always admire the human spirit when we find a way, regardless of the obstacles such as language barriers, to connect with empathy and understanding.


My favourite part of the assembly was learning how to sing Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in Noongar. Thank you to Mrs Rachael Colmer who lead us all through the singing and actions. It was quite a sight to see everyone from Year Three to Twelve, and all the teachers, join in with gusto. What a joy! This is just one small way to help preserve the very precious language of the place we are blessed to be able to learn on. 


Red Moort Whole School Arts Exhibition

The whole school arts exhibition is coming up! It will be held in the Annette Knight Centre on Sunday 11 September from 3.00pm to 5.00pm, showcasing creative work from Djinda students to Year Twelve. More information on our Arts News page - please join us at this showcase event.


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal