
Careers Corner, provides valuable information on Uni/TAFE Online Virtual & On Campus Open Days & VTAC Webinars.
If you or your child require any further assistance, please feel free to contact Dean Malcolm, Careers Advisor
Year Nine Morrisby Profiling
Last week the year nine cohort undertook the Morrisby online career profiling. This profile consists of a series of questions to gauge interests, strengths and weaknesses to create an extensive report on possible suitable careers and areas students should consider as future goals. This report will be further unpacked with the student (and parents who would like to attend) with an external careers professional in November.
Students generally did this very well, however a number have yet to finish it and are encouraged to log on and complete it asap so all can get interviews. If the profile is not finished the student is not able to have the report completed or sit the interview, missing a valuable chance to plan for their future.
Dean Malcolm
Careers Leading Teacher