Macedonian Cultural Day

Macedonian Cultural & Intergenerational Day
Over the last three decades, the students who have studied Macedonian language at Epping Secondary College had a chance to participate in many community projects and interact with the people from the Macedonian community, showcasing their skills and knowledge building in class.
One of these projects took place last Tuesday, 30th August, when students from years 7 to 9 spent most of the day with the Macedonian Orthodox Senior group from Epping. It was such a wonderful day. Students had a chance to perform, sing and dance and share their experiences with other people from their community through conversation, lunch and dance. It was a great opportunity for students who study Macedonian to move out of the classroom and use the language learned in class in real situations.
On the Macedonian excursion, the things I enjoyed doing with my groups and friends were the fun activities we had to do such as speaking to the people and asking questions and making up some questions you want to know about the person. I also liked the singing and dancing. I like the excursion because I was able to meet new people that I didn’t know from my school. I also liked the food and drinks they provided for everyone and we could take biscuits and the Muznik that everyone had for lunch.
Mila Kocevska 8G
When we had the Macedonian excursion on 30th August, year 7, 8 and 9 students were invited to the excursion. We walked from our college to Epping Memorial Hall in the morning that took 15 minutes to get there. When we arrived, we walked into the hall and said hello to all the pensioners and then sat at the tables. We first began talking to our friends and then we began the program. All the students went on the stage and we began with poems and the national anthem. I was a little bit nervous but once I started saying my poem, I felt more comfortable.
We sang two Macedonian songs called ‘Mori Cupi’ and ‘Tvojte Oci’. Ms Janinksa delivered a speech and then after the program we danced to Macedonian songs like Marica, Makedonsko devojce, stani mome da ze igras and many more. After we had maznik for lunch and water or soft drink. After we ate we spoke to the pensioners and interviewed them. I interviewed a pensioner named Trace Nikolosi and asked him questions and got to know him. We then danced to more Macedonian songs and we had fun.
The excursion came finished and we were all exhausted. We walked back to Epping Secondary College just in time for lunch and the excursion was better than I expected.
Angelique Vurmeska 8I
Македонската екскурзија беше многу убава. Многу студенти отидоа и тоа ја направи екскурзиката подобра. Поемите и песните што ги пеевме беа многу убави и им даде убава порака на оние кои беа таму. Учениците кои можеа да кажат песни беа многу течни и тоа не направи да звучиме професионално. Културното македонско оро беше исто така многу забавно! Дури и ако луѓето не ги знаеја чекорите, тие сепак се приклучија што беше фантастично. Пуштивме многу популарни македонски песни и беше навистина добро. Храната беше пристојна. Ми се допаѓа како беше популарна кујна наместо нешто друго бидејќи покажа каква е нашата култура.
Конечно, интервјуто беше интересна активност. Убаво беше да се комуницира со пензионерите. Сите беа многу љубезни и мислам дека беше убаво да се слушне за нивното минато и како се сега. Севкупно, екскурзијата беше многу убава и мислам дека нашата наставничка направи неверојатна работа во организирањето.
Stephanie Stojanoska 8H
Ms Gordana Janinska
Macedonian Teacher