Acting Leader of Mission

If you want to change the world, go and love your family”

Mother Teresa

Dearest Marian Community,

We made it to the end of Term 3 and we have had the opportunity to finish it together. Unfortunately, our snap lockdown has postponed our mission project for Needy Paws. This was to demonstrate that as stewards of the earth we care for all of God's creations. 


This led to the creation and implementation of the lockdown mission project. I recently read the book “Make Your Bed” by William McRaven, and there was a line that really stood out to me which made me think about the importance of undertaking selfless acts. The line stated “You want to know how to change the world?” … “Complete one random act of kindness a day”. I believe regardless of our current situation through COVID-19, we should always be looking to complete a random act of kindness a day. 


I have seen and have heard of some wonderful things that have happened since the implementation of the lockdown mission project from both staff and students. Some of the examples have been buying someone a coffee, sending someone an email/message and expressing how grateful they are for having them in their lives and reaching out to others during lockdown to ensure that they were well during the lockdown period. So we can see that sometimes living a life of mission can be done through small acts.


I mentioned the postponement of the Needy Paws mission project for Term 3. In Term 4 we will look to reintroduce this for the first beginning weeks of the term. So from weeks 1 to 4, I will set the challenge for all Homerooms to bring in as many cans of dog food as possible. I was asked at the beginning of the mission project whether bags of dry food can be brought in, and to this, I say yes. 


Term 4 will also see our annual mission project in the St Vincent De Paul Christmas Hampers. This project aims for our MCC community to undertake a goodwill activity and promote the gift of kindness during the Christmas season. As we look to celebrate the birth of Jesus during the Christmas season, we look to embark and live the life in which Jesus intended for all of us to live. This has been the theme for all our mission projects this year, to live a life of love. 


All hampers that are created will be presented to St Vincent De Paul at our end of year Mass and will be distributed to families within our community who are in need. In week 5 the Community Action Team will place the collection baskets into the Homerooms along with the list of items required for the success of the mission project. More information will be released early Term 4. 


Finally, We have been asked by CEDWW to present the Mission work that we as a Diocese aim to achieve throughout the year in “Living the mission”. The presentation occurs at the allocated Masses on the dates of October 16th and 17th (Saturday and Sunday). I am looking for at least three/four students for each of the slots. The students do not need to present at all Masses, I am looking for three/four different students to present at each Mass.


The times and dates are as follows:

Please contact me if you can help out and present the CEDWW presentation. This is a great opportunity for all students in all year groups who are looking to demonstrate service outside of our College environment. If you are interested or would like to help, please email me:


Well, I hope that you all have a restful and rejuvenating break and I look forward to seeing you all, refreshed and ready to take on the final term of our College calendar. 


“Life can be beautiful if you make it beautiful, it is up to you”

Eddie Jaku

Yours in faith

Mr Abdala

Acting Leader of Mission