Year 12 Class of 2021

Messages from our Year 12 Class of 2021
Our brave, strong and resilient Class of 2021 have begun their HSC examinations this week. We asked our Year 12 students their thoughts and feelings after a disruptive final year of schooling.
Throughout my high school years, everything seemed to be in preparation for Year 12 HSC exams. They always seemed as if they were the be all and end all of a young person's progression in life. Having been in school now for 12 years, and near the end of my 13th, I have come to realise that although everything I have done has prepared me for these few weeks of Year 12 HSC exams, the experiences themself have taught me far more than what I will accomplish by completing these exams. What I mean by this is, that there have been many challenges that I have faced in the process of preparing for the HSC. The way I have responded to these challenges, and the benefits and experiences I have gotten out of them prove the type of person I am and the traits I acquire. Jayde Cox
We all started our journey of getting an education in kindergarten, learning the basics, our mindsets were always set for the future. Among these 13 years we were taught multiple modules, formulas, texts and topics, but above all the experience was what brought us to prepare for this significant chapter of our lives. We went through stages of determining what we wanted to achieve and the different careers we wanted to take. These always changed overtime. But the imagination and determination always remained. As years went on, we got closer and closer to the end mark and things became more challenging. We were expected to write essays instead of narratives and learn the uses of algebra, which I still don’t understand. But this allowed us to explore our identity and what made us who we are. Melek Sag
Year 11 began as a great year, I became a senior and got to wear my new uniform. Looking back on Year 11, I am able to see all the things I have learnt, such as developing my writing. However, that all took a turn when we went into lockdown in Term 2. It was a difficult time due to the quick changes and not being able to see my friends. I feel like I adapted well to the changes, as we continued through our work and my friends and I found different ways to communicate till lockdown was over. Soon after, Year 12 came along. I was nervous but excited at the same time to finally reach year 12. As the end of Term 2, I was excited for the school holidays, as it meant I could hang out with friends more. However, the first day of school holidays we went into lockdown! Once again we had to adapt to the changes. Even though the changes may be difficult, I believe, we should always look at them positively and make the best out of any situation. Milica Draca
Believe in yourself and all that you are.
Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.
Christian D Larson
Jenny Green and Diana Kulevski
Year 12 Advisers