Encouraging students to reach their full potential

To the graduating class of Year 12
Good luck to our Year 12 students who begin their exams next week. The resilience and determination that they have shown over the last two disrupted years will no doubt lead to fantastic results.
All the best Year 12!
Successful return to school
After 63 school days communicating through a screen, it has been fantastic to be back to school and be able to speak to students face to face! Both Year 11 and Year 8 have made a successful return to school and have settled back into their (somewhat) normal routines.
Our Year 11 cohort will become Year 12 from this week. It is an exciting time as they officially begin their final year of high school, but it is also a very busy time. Over the next three weeks, most students have multiple assessments due, so it is important that students manage their time well and seek support when required. Students should develop a study plan and prioritise their tasks according to due dates so that the workload can be evenly spread out, avoiding any last-minute hiccups or late nights!
I have met with many students over the past two weeks, to discuss subjects and patterns of study. When considering this, students need to understand the different pathways available to them and the requirements of the HSC and an ATAR. To explain:
The HSC: is a credential awarded to students who complete Year 12. It is the highest level of attainment that you can reach at school. Students who qualify for this award will receive a mark or grade which reflects their performance in each or their courses.
ATAR: the ATAR is a rank, not a mark, that is used by universities to offer places to students. Although based on HSC marks, the ATAR is not a credential, and is not required unless a student wishes to have the option of moving directly into university after school. Students may choose to study for the HSC but not an ATAR and will receive the same qualification. In some cases, this is a more appropriate pattern of study. If you require further information or clarification, please contact me so we can discuss individual needs.
Michael Lane
Deputy Principal - Year 8 and Year 11