Learning opportunities for all students

Year 10
It was great to welcome back all students and to see them so engaged in learning over the last couple of weeks. I have been visiting many year 10 classes and many students and it is back to business as usual. Year 10 have been very settled and have been excited to be back and to see their peers and teachers. On Wednesday 27 October, I visited a Science class (pictured right) and the students were absorbed and fixated by an online quiz. Great job Ms Hoang.
On Tuesday 2 November, I visited a Year 10 Physical Education class (pictured left) and got to see these students having a serious workout while participating in a dance physical activity session. It was a great lesson delivered by Ms Saliba and the students were thoroughly engaged and very competitive.
While my outfit was not conducive to the level of movement required to nail these moves, it was such a fun lesson, I really wanted to join in. Next time! Great lesson Ms Saliba.
High Performance and Gifted Education HPGE Challenge 2021
In weeks 7 and 8 many of our students from assorted S and G classes in Years 7-10 will participate in a new High Performance and Gifted Education (HPGE) initiative. They will work on a project designed to challenge and engage the most academically gifted students. Students will work in small groups to solve a current, real-world problem. They will be faced with 5 problems and will be able to choose which to try and solve and will have 8 lessons to come up with a viable solution to the issue of their choosing
The student works will be judged in the five different questions and will be judged against their peers in the appropriate age group. Groups who demonstrate outstanding works will earn prizes and will receive awards. A huge thank you to the HPGE team consisting of Ms Carter, Mr Dunn, Mrs Haskett and Mr Hong.
Joel Howard
Deputy Principal - Year 10