We're back - Year 8!

2022 SRC Representatives for Year 9
A huge congratulations to Xara Zaineddine, Sarah De Battista, Adriano Rotondaro and Sadeer Al-Zuhairi on being selected to represent Year 9 in the SRC next year. Miss Cupac and Mr Wilcox cannot wait to see all of the amazing things you will do for the school and the school community!
Year 8 reflect on 2021
My Year 8 so far has been a blast! I have made so many new friends and have had the best experience possible during this pandemic thanks to our great year advisers and teachers that made that possible. Even during online learning, I was learning and interacting even though if it was not face to face. However, the best part of my year 8 experience has been elected from my fellow teachers and peers as your 2022 SRC along side my other Year 8 peers. I have always made a goal that I will contribute to the school whether it is small or big, and this position has given me the opportunity to do that.
Sincerely, Xara Zaineddine (Year 8)
During the year of 2021, I experienced various things throughout 8th grade. These things include making new friends, meeting new teachers, learning new topics and having to do online learning. For the first time, I made it through both zone and regionals for the swimming carnival. I never really experienced this during my primary years and didn’t make it in during Year 7. I am very grateful that I had the chance to experience it in Year 8. Additionally, I had my electives. My electives include Xhibit It and CSI (crime scene investigation). Both of these classes showed me new skills throughout the topic of art and investigating crimes; painting skateboard designs and creating a crime scene story. I learned these new things both during face-to-face schooling and online schooling. However, I found it difficult to cope with school happening through Microsoft Teams (online schooling). After a couple of weeks, we thankfully returned back to school. I was pretty happy to come back, since I get to see my friends after such a long time at home.
Term 4 is coming to an end, which concludes Year 8 for me. I’m hoping to improve and make new achievements during Year 9. Trish Nguyen (Year 8)
This year, being in Year 8, has been a bit of a roller coaster. This is because we started the year off as being normal and in class. Then in term 3 we went to online learning. This had both positives and negatives. Positives being that I could wake up any time. Negatives included not being able to socialise and sometimes having internet failure which affected my learning. I would also like to say thank you to the teachers in Cecil Hills that have supported myself and other students during this pandemic. Since week 4 term 3, I am back to face to face learning and receiving the position to take on SRC. This was a surprise, but I am thankful for the position. Sarah De Battista (Year 8)
Overall year 8 has been stressful but okay. This year took some getting used to because the classes became a little harder and we had some new subjects. Everything was going great for the first couple of terms but then we went into lockdown. Online learning took some getting used to again, but I got the hang of things. We spent a whole term and a few weeks learning from home. Year 8 has been really stressful at times due to many exams and assignments each term, but I was able to get through them. This year we had our first elective classes that we chose in Year 7. These classes were really fun because I was able to choose subjects that I thought I would enjoy. I always look forward to my electives. I’m very excited for Year 9 mainly because of the electives that we were able to choose for next year. There are many different and new electives for Year 9 and 10. I’m excited for these classes next year because I chose subjects that I believe I will learn and grow, and enjoy them. Veronica Rolevski (Year 8)
My year in Year 8 wasn’t really what I expected. I experienced my first athletics carnival and went to the regional swimming carnival as well. I had my first time in my elective classes. One of my classes was Just Desserts. I made a lot of baked goods and it was the first time I made food in school. Unfortunately, Term 3 was when the lockdown started and we went into online schooling once again. I started my second elective which was That’s Show Biz in Term 3. I got used to the online schooling pretty quickly and before I knew it, it was the school holidays again. We stayed in lockdown until Week 3 of Term 4. Then in Week 4, we came back to school. I was pretty excited to return back to school just because I could see my friends again after 4 months at home. Overall, this year was a fun and slow year.
Isabelle Nguyen (Year 8)
So far Year 8 has had its ups and downs, from competing in all the sports carnivals to being stuck at home for almost 4 months, but overall, I'd say this year has been pretty exciting and spontaneous. I've been able to meet new people and become friends with people who share the same values as me. I was also given the opportunity to become one of my year group's SRC where I got to contribute when organising fundraisers and events, which unfortunately COVID cancelled but nonetheless, I'm still grateful for the opportunity as I was able to become more confident in myself. I'm excited for Year 9 and to see what it holds (all except for NAPLAN though). Montana Wasif (Year 8)
Nikolina Cupac
English Faculty
Year 8 Adviser 'Class of 2025'
Public Speaking Coordinator