Year 9

Year 9 has had a very busy, exciting and reflective term.



Firstly, the Bridges to City experience has been a resounding success; with students visiting The Shrine, Parliament House, The Botanic Gardens, Immigration Museum and much more.


After the ‘Bridges to Country’ Semester, the girls have been exploring the city we live in; gaining independence and self-affirmation along the way. Their feedback has been very positive, as have been reflections from the providers we visited. Congratulations girls!


Holocaust Museum

A very important part of the girls’ English learning this term, in conjunction with their English text ‘The Wrong Boy’, has been to visit the Holocaust Museum and to hear survivors speak of their experiences. As a teacher of Year 9 English, I have been inspired by the mature, empathetic reactions of the girls towards this area of learning. Many of them have read far and beyond the required reading to get a further insight into the values and attitudes of this era. The administration at The Holocaust Museum were very complimentary about the respectful behaviour of our girls, which was very affirming.

Here are some of the girls’ reflections:

During our experience at the Holocaust Museum, I learnt many valuable things. Firstly, we had a tour guide speak to us, told us a lot of information, and filled us in on many things that I never knew, including her putting into context just how many Jews were killed. We then had a survivor named David Prince, who explained to us about his time in the camp and what led to him getting there and explained how he had a twin that he thought was just his brother but found out that he was really a twin and thankfully were saved from being a part of the twin experiments.


We learnt that David worked in the metal industry along with his father and brother, which saved them from being exterminated because he was able to do a job that the guards needed. David and his brother Henry both came to Melbourne, but unfortunately his brother died seven years ago. I learnt how precious life is and to always have hope. I felt the Museum to be very moving and I am grateful that I was able to hear from a firsthand survivor.


Overall, I had a moving experience and I am forever fortunate for what I got to learn and experience.

Olivia Fenech

Year 9


On 2 September, some Year 9 students, including myself, experienced the remarkable life story told by a Holocaust survivor. We had the privilege to meet a survivor named Abe (Abram). Abe was an amazing man with an amazing story about survival, hope and toil. One of his sisters fled, but the rest of his family were caught up in the Holocaust. Both his parents were murdered by the Germans. His mother was a victim in the gas chambers at Auschwitz. 


Abe had a very gentle energy about him and was not afraid to answer any question we asked. 

The main thing I took away from the Museum experience was the horrific impact the Holocaust had on so many people. There was a clear plastic tube that went to the roof containing 15,000 buttons, representing the number of the children impacted by the Holocaust. The total estimated number of people impacted would be equal to 60 MCGs full of people or 6 million!


Abe said, “Whenever you feel like giving up or it feels like hard times, always remember that the grey clouds don't stay around forever, and there is always sunshine on the other side”. This idea from Abe has inspired me to think about life in a different way and I hope after reading this you feel the same.


Amber Renfree

Year 9


Year 9 Social

However, without doubt, the highlight of the term for many Year 9 students, has been the Learn to Dance classes and Year 9 Social and . Unfortunately, the much-anticipated Trivia Afternoon with St Bede’s was cancelled due to heavy rain. The girls were very unhappy about this! We are trying to schedule an afternoon next term to appease the pain!


The girls had two Learn to Dance classes with St Bede’s boys, ably led by Mrs Trish Moloney, an absolute professional at this, who has been doing it for many years and loves it. The girls and boys were incredible at picking up the traditional dances such as ‘Cha Cha’, very quickly. They were enthusiastic and attentive at the classes and Trish commented that they were ‘very quick learners’.


The Social was a wonderful celebration! The girls had fun dressing up and dancing with their friends. Being held at Kilbreda, the girls and I were responsible for the decorations and theme. I did not have to do very much to get the girls inspired! We had volunteers from every class to help. The theme of gold and white was decided upon. Amy Chy-Long led the creation of an incredible balloon garland, which adorned the doorway. 

We arranged a selfie room and red carpet for the cohort. We were very impressed with the behaviour of the girls and their encouragement of one another. The aim of the night was ‘fun with our friends’, and feedback suggests this was the case. It was lovely to see the girls smiling, dancing and having fun with their friends. The girls are very keen on a follow up Trivia afternoon, so we are working on that.


A number of Year 12 students, enthusiastically led by Naomi Russo and Ella Allan, helped encourage the girls at Learn to Dance classes and on the night. We were very appreciative of their support and the Year 9 girls enjoyed their participation.


Some feedback from the night included

Garland was excellent!

Fun and loved it,  boys mingled really well.

Black flip boys were great.

Everyone was enjoying it.

I like that everyone was together and everyone.

A great chance to dress up.

I like that all people were together

Loved it! Loved the mosh pit.




The Brigid Awards

As you would be aware, our significant celebratory day at the colleg   e, Brigidine Day takes place tomorrow,  Friday 20 September. This is a day where we celebrate our Brigidine heritage as a college community. Thank you in advance for your generous donation, which is going towards the Remexio Building Project in Timor Leste.


On this day, each year level nominate worthy recipients for The Brigid Award. Two deserving students from each yea