Principal's Update

As Term 3 draws to a close, we look forward to coming together, staff and students, to celebrate Brigidine Day. On this day, we celebrate being a Catholic school in the Brigidine Tradition.


Brigid modelled her life on Jesus and remains close to the hearts of women as an exemplar of justice and peace, reverencing the earth and sharing these gifts with all who ask. These qualities of Brigid remain an inspiration for us all at Kilbreda College. This is why our tradition on Brigidine Day is to celebrate Mass, recognise students who embody the Brigidine and College motto Strength and Kindliness and raise funds for the community of Remixio in Timor Leste.


Our prayers of intercession during our celebration of the Eucharist remind us of the six core values that are at the heart of our College:



As we celebrate the Brigidine tradition today, we give thanks for Bishop Daniel Delany, Mother Margaret Mary Murphy and all other members of the Brigidine communities past, present and future who have devoted their lives to the education of many. Let us continue to pave the way for many generations to come.

Lord hear us.



We give thanks to all parents, staff, students and all other members of the Kilbreda Community who have allowed us to thrive for 115 consecutive years. May we draw upon the college values of strength and kindliness in all aspects of school and community life, as we continue to grow together as one.

Lord, hear us.



As we reflect on the compassionate nature of those who have come before us, may we also acknowledge our own efforts to help one another today, through our connections with those in East Timor. May we continue to support others as Jesus did, lending a helping hand to all, particularly in times of need.

Lord, hear us.



As staff and students of the Kilbreda Community, we give thanks for the many challenges and opportunities we face here at school. May we continue to seek new opportunities to learn and to grow in our commitment to one another in our journey at Kilbreda.

Lord, hear us.



Through Winter Sleep Out, Year 11 Urban Seed City walks, Timor Leste, Caritas and Palm Sunday Walk for Refugees, our school makes us aware that the world is not equal for all people. It also encourages us to do our bit where we can help others. Today we pray for a more just world.  We pray that justice starts with us here today.

Lord, hear us.



As members of the Kilbreda Community, we give thanks for the opportunities that are possible for us. May the growth and learning received continue to guide our choices in life and build in us a hope that there is a place in our world for each one of us.

Lord, hear us.


As we enter the holiday period may we take time to reflect upon and give thanks for the many blessings we have in our lives and how we live out these values.

We Pray For

We ask for your prayers for members of our community and their families who have recently lost loved ones:


Miervaldis Adamsons

Father of Teresa Lincoln (Past Co-Principal)


Salvatore (Sam) Aidone

Father-in-law of Kim Aidone (staff) 


Arthur John Reed

Father of Pauline McClelland (staff) and Grandfather of Amy Dallas (past staff)


We pray that our loving God hold them gently in the palm of His hand.


Nicole Mangelsdorf
