The VCAL room has been a hive of activity in the past fortnight. On Monday 9 September, students participated in mock interviews where industry professionals volunteered their time to interview our students for a job in an industry of their choice. These interviews followed a workshop on job interview preparation and the feedback we received was that students were very well prepared and performed well in their job interviews.


Thursday 12 September was RUOK? Day and the VCAL students successfully organised and ran activities on the day for the school community. These included selling sausages, icy-poles and cookies at lunchtime, providing yellow hair ribbons for all students and putting on a morning tea for staff. Whilst all these activities were fun and created a sense of belonging amongst our community, perhaps more poignant was the message behind RUOK? Day and the importance of looking after our own and each other’s mental health.

Important Dates 

Monday 7 October – Enrichment Day

This is the first day back next term.

Please grant consent on the PAM prior to this day.


Loretta McKail

VCAL Leader