Health and Physical Education

Outdoor Education

The Outdoor Education classes have been preparing for their big bike ride this week. They have been riding to Mordialloc along the shared bike path and also to Beaumaris.


The girls have been learning how to communicate as they ride to let other riders know when an oncoming bike, pedestrian or person pushing a pram is coming their way or when they need to slow down or stop suddenly. They have improved their competence as bike riders.

Then the girls completed their long bike ride to Port Melbourne. The weather was amazing for the week so they had a great riding experience.


Maree Clark and Joanne Wood

Outdoor Education Teachers

Physical Activity Awareness – Creating Behavioural Changes

The Year 11 PE classes have been looking at the ways they can encourage participation levels across the different population groups within Kilbreda. They had to design an activity for one day and then they had to participate in one activity on another day. Some of the activities were: kicking the football, 4 square, skipping, hula hoops, table tennis, badminton and Zumba. The Year 11 students were amazed at the number of students that turned up to participate each day.


Schools play an essential role in providing a physical and social environment that supports children, their parents and the whole school community in enjoying an active life. A school setting has the potential to reach large numbers of children within one local area for a significant proportion of their lives. It provides access to at-risk groups such as inactive children.


Physical education and sport education classes provide opportunities for all students to participate in curriculum based programs to develop fundamental motor skills. Outside the formal classroom setting, there are also opportunities to play at various times throughout the day, including before school and after school programs and participation in sport and extracurricular or co-curricular activities.


The girls witnessed firsthand that if you take the time to plan an activity and encourage girls to participate or even if you set an activity up (like the table tennis tables) then the girls will participate. We can change the behaviour patterns and encourage participation in physical activities in a school setting.


Maree Clark, Joanne Wood and Amanda Flynn

Year 11 Physical Education Teachers