Principal's Report


We have had a fantastic week of welcoming students back to face to face learning. It was so lovely to see the Foundation students arrive on Monday morning with confidence and excitement to see their friends and teachers back in their classrooms. On Thursday, the Year 1 and Year 2 students returned, followed by Year 5 and Year 6 today. We are very much looking forward to seeing Year 3 and Year 4 students for the first time next Tuesday, which is also the first day back for all staff, who will no longer be working remotely. 



 Return to Face to Face onsite learning for students  

Term 4 - 2021


Click the link below to download and print a copy of the Staged Return to School document


Therapy dogs can reduce stress in physiological ways by reducing the stress chemical cortisol in the brain and triggering the release of oxytocin, the feel good hormone that plays a positive role in social bonding. The presence of a therapy dog in a school setting has also been linked to improvements in school attendance, student confidence levels and increased motivation to participate in learning activities.


Here at Milgate, our fully certified therapy dog Bentley, can roam freely or choose to sit with different students at different times. He can participate in activities both inside  and outside the classroom or just be the warm and friendly character that happily gives a hug or high 5 whenever the need is there.  He provides emotional comfort to students feeling overwhelmed during the day, by giving them the company they need to help regulate and refocus when they are feeling very vulnerable.

Students who are having a tough day emotionally, can especially benefit from Bentley’s presence, as it provides that important circuit breaker to their feelings at a particular moment in time and that can change the day for the better, or provide at least some relief from their stress and anxiety.


He has the innate ability to bring even the quietest of kids out of their shell, as they often want to talk about their own pets, while giving Bentley a pat and cuddle.  For those afraid of dogs, Bentley will work very gently with them by firstly allowing them time to feel safe, with support, feel more relaxed and with time, really enjoy being around him.


Through the challenges of lockdowns and online learning over the last year, Bentley’s inclusion in learning activities onsite has resulted in more constructive behaviours and really positive interactions, as his presence enhances moods and behaviour rather than detracts from it.


Our students and staff always look forward to seeing Bentley at school.  They watch out for him, happily engage with him and all really love the attention he gives, when he singles people out for a little extra cuddle or interaction. Most warming of all, is reading the many the letters, cards and stories Bentley receives from our students, telling him how wonderful and friendly he is and how very much he is loved at school.

We are very much looking forward to having Bentley as a part of our wellbeing program at Milgate and even more so, introducing Magnolia, his adorable baby sister to students in a few weeks time.  She will begin her training with socialisation at school for short periods and work with Alex and trainers with the plan of having her fully certified to work alongside Bentley by mid 2022.


The Foundation students were invited to share their ideas of Australian animals that Philip Bunting could use in his new book, or words that would work well with characters he is currently exploring, the ‘Potoroo’ and the ‘Platypus’

The kids recorded their ideas and we put together a compilation of their responses which can be viewed here: 

Philip Bunting responded to the Foundation students with the following message:


Wow! Thanks so much for sending these on – it seems I have some competition in the silly-books-about-native-fauna space :)


I am so impressed by all of their responses and ideas, and truly flattered and honoured by their wonderful efforts. Please pass on one more huge thank you to the children from me. Once the world opens up again, I will certainly pop in to say hello to all at Milgate, and perhaps we can make some books together. 


In the meantime, I will keep you up to speed on any progress with Potoroo/Platypus/and others! And I hope you are all enjoying the return to the classroom – the kids must be so stoked to be back together again. 


Very best,  

Philip Bunting



Friday 29 October 

On Friday 29 October, we will come together to celebrate World Teachers / Education Support Staff Day and recognise the continued dedication and support our teachers, ES classroom support staff, office staff, library staff, etc. provide to our students. This year this special day has the theme ‘Teachers / Education Support staff : leading in crisis, reimagining the future.’ This theme reflects the continued commitment teachers and all education support staff have made to their students and as education leaders, throughout the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. While this year has been difficult for us all, World Teachers / Education Support Staff Day is a great way to say thank you to our staff for their support and efforts in helping students adapt during this challenging time. Milgate Primary School will be celebrating World Teachers / Education Support Staff Day by thanking all staff for their contributions to children’s lives and learning. 


Closing Date | Friday 5 November 

When developing individual classes each year, teachers consider a number of factors including academic ability, special skills and talents, social competencies, gender, students who work well together, those who may not work well together and friendship groupings. While the students are consulted about current friendships, it is only one of the criteria considered because building new relationships is also part of our education process and an important skill for students to develop.


The placement of students for the coming year is a complex process where teachers put great thought and sensitivity into their planning. They discuss, reflect and review their decisions over a period of time.


If students have any learning or social needs to be considered when placing them in classes for 2022, parents can write a letter / email addressed to the Principal stating their needs and requests for consideration. If parents have written requests in previous years, we do not retain these as students’ needs and friendships change from year to year. If the consideration from a previous year is still important, a new letter should be written.


Please note that multiple student friend requests  or requests that impact on another student’s class placement cannot be considered in the process. Parents are also not able to request specific teachers. 


The closing date for these considerations is Friday 5 November. Any requests received after this date are not able to be considered.