Year 7 News

Cam Bruce & Gareth Hose | Year 7 Coordinators

As the third week of the term comes to a close, we are pleased with how well students are managing themselves and their workloads. Classes are making good progress with units of work and students are already working to complete a variety of assessment tasks across all subject areas. 


Year 7s are required to carry their diaries to all classes and should also be bringing them home so they can access the important information they are asked to record in them. Parents and Guardians are reminded that the diary can be used to communicate with the school about things such as absences, uniform concerns or even requests for contact.

Year 7 Welcome BBQ

The year 7 BBQ and welcome is on the 22nd February, please make sure you return the RSVP, even if you can’t make it. This is a great opportunity for you to meet your child’s teachers and to learn about SEQTA and get some SEQTA help if needed. 


A reminder that the swimming sports will be on the 20th February. The students should have received a link to a Google document via SEQTA, where they can sign up to the events they would like to swim in. Please encourage them to participate, as it is a fun day. The weather is looking very promising!


In the coming weeks, students will receive information cards about the immunisations that are occurring on the 9th March. The card will need to be returned to the school, even if your student is not having the immunisations at school. 


Another reminder that students are not to touch anyone’s locker or lock. If they are caught doing this there will be serious consequences. Lockers are a safe space for all and should only be used at the beginning and after classes.













Year 7 Science 'From the Lab'

This week, the Year 7 Science students are learning various factors they will encounter during their science class for the year. So far, the students have been learning how to be safe while working in a science lab and have completed some posters on lab safety. 

They are also learning the names of the various equipment they will use during the year.

This week, students are working their way through various experiments. These experiments are teaching students to understand how to be safe in a science lab and how to follow instructions to achieve results they can record and discuss.

Students are seen applying their skills during an experiment by labelling equipment correctly, using measuring cylinders and digital scales correctly and accurately to complete their first science experiment for the year.