Alternate Programs

Liam Offer - Assistant Principal VCM VM

What a great start to the year.

Students have embraced the start to the year and have come back in ready to learn which is exciting.

 This year has started with some change in classroom teachers, times of classes and a whole new curriculum for some. With change comes stress so please make sure you are looking after yourself and get in touch if you or your family need support.

Uniform – Now we are at week 3 can parents make sure that McKenzie Creek students are in full school uniform. If there are any concerns over being able to purchase uniform can you please get in touch with Treena Hogan our student welfare officer for support

Absences – We understand that occasionally your child will be absent due to appointments, illness or other reasons. Can we ask that you please contact your program co-ordinator to ensure that we can follow up on absences and make sure that everything is ok.

NAPLAN – As we dive into the term we are moving closer towards NAPLAN for year 7 and 9 students. This is an opportunity for your child to challenge themselves and see how they have faired over the past few years of COVID and home schooling. If this is something you would like more information on or something that you would like to discuss please reach out to Liam Offer on 0429417024.


Lastly a big thank you to families for the work they have put in thus far to get their child to school. If we can do anything to assist please don’t hesitate to reach out.