Mr Ben Murphy

Fitness Testing was RAD!! 

On Monday 13 February, 73 students who are currently enrolled in our select entry sporting programs including the AFL Academy, Basketball Academy, Peak Performance and WestVic Academy of Sports participated in their bi-annual Fitness Testing Combine. 


Chris Radford and his team from the RAD Centre, made the trip up the Western Highway armed with the latest technology including timing gaits, vertical jump yard sticks and electronic dynamometers to assess student performance. 

Students were put through their paces to assess their speed, agility, strength and power in a series of tests. It was evident that some students have been very diligent with their out-of-season training after posting some very pleasing results. 


The sporting prospects are looking extremely positive for the college and their external clubs and associations. 


Also, our 10 WestVic Academy students were invited to their induction and were provided with their overview for the 2023 school year. There are many exciting opportunities coming for our students to be exposed to guest speakers, workshops and excursions. 


A big thank you to Shenae & Scott from the WestVic Academy of Sports, as well as Chris, Linc, Holly & Maartje from the RAD Centre for taking the time to support our aspiring athletes!