Visual & Performing


Courtney Scherger - Arts Learning Area Leader

Ballarat Art Gallery


On Wednesday 7th February the Year 12 Creative Practice and Visual Communication Design students travelled to the Ballarat Art Gallery to look at and listen to the Arts educator and exhibition designer talks on the 'Beating about the Bush' exhibition that is on currently.


Beating about the Bush is at the Art Gallery of Ballarat that combines the best of traditional Australian Impressionism with works from 

contemporary Australian female photographers.  


Within Creative Practice Outcome 1, students are required to create an artwork inspired by a chosen artist. Artworks can be paintings, drawings or photographs. Year 12 Visual Communication Design students are currently studying the fields of design and the design process and how this links into Environmental design and industry based jobs. Students had a great day and got a lot of information and resources out of the exhibition. 

Thankyou to the Ballarat Gallery for the day.