Student Academic Counsellor

Mrs Bonita O'Brien

The 2023 school year is well underway; here are some simple ideas to help all families and students manage the fast-paced environment of College life:

  • Use SEQTA! SEQTA is our online school management system that allows families, students and staff communicate and keep up to date with schoolwork, events, information and attendance. Parents/Guardians can download the SEQTA app or connect via school website (the login details will have been provided in school welcome letter). If you are having any problems with SEQTA please contact the school and ask to speak to the IT Department.  For Year 7 families we have SEQTA information sessions at our Yr 7 BBQ on February 22nd.
  • Sometimes Parents can feel confused about contacting the school especially as it is different to Primary School where you may have felt you knew everyone.  Please feel free to contact your student’s Year Level Co-ordinators with any concerns or questions that you may have about your student. You can do this via SEQTA message or calling the school and contacting the appropriate year level office. You can also contact any of your student’s teachers via messages on SEQTA.
  • Set up a school routine now.  We all know that getting to school and being prepared for the day can be challenging at times; when the bell goes at 8:50am for Form Group, students need to already have had enough time to go to their lockers and be organised for the first two periods. Taking a small amount of time each day after school to go over what has been learnt and to complete any unfinished work is a great habit for younger students to begin so that they will be prepared for the increased study load that is expected in high school; it is also a good time to look at what you have coming up tomorrow so that you can get organised for the day ahead.