Principal's Report

Mr. Rob Pyers | Principal

School Performance Report

The College received its school performance report for 2022 and it was an excellent result with the College remaining in the renew category but significant improvements shown in our NAPLAN results and our VCE and VCAL results. 

The Colleges VCE results were a highlight of our 2022 school data and along with the strong student positive pathways results, 20%+ against the state average, highlighted the strength in the school’s broad curriculum, the work that is occurring in the classroom and the importance of collaboration between school and home.

School Wellbeing Report

The school also received its 2022 Wellbeing report, with eight of the eleven categories in the top range excelling, and the remaining three in the second category embedding. 

The College is above all like-school indicators and is above state for ten of the eleven categories.

This is again a testament to the work that our Student Engagement and Wellbeing staff are undertaking and a reflection of the collaboration that occurs between students, families, and staff.






College Expectations – Attendance

The College is committed to working with students and families to return our student attendance data to pre-pandemic levels of 90% +. 

We are committed as a school to supporting students and families to recognise the importance of regular school attendance and supporting students to achieve success. We have a school wide goal of ensuring unexplained absences are below 4% and the Student Engagement and Wellbeing team will be focusing on reducing the number of students whose absence is of a concern.

We know that coming to school is the first step to achieving success and encourage families to contact us with any concerns.


College Council Elections

The College Council elections will be taking place in the next month.  I would encourage any members of our school community who may be interested in joining our School Council to contact our current School Council President Rowan Smith, and or me, to discuss the role of council and the opportunities it provides.  Information regarding the election process is in this newsletter and available through our usual social media platforms.