Callistemon House

Welcome back to what we hope will be another exciting year for Dandenong High School and our Callistemon community!
Firstly, I would like to welcome the newest members into Callistemon house. We extend a warm welcome to our new staff members Ms Muthukuda, Mr Nguyen and Mr Sotirakis. We are also excited to welcome our new Year 7 class and all the new enrolments that joined us over summer and Term 1.
There is a lot to be excited about in Callistemon this year. We are the defending champions for the Premier’s Reading Challenge, House Swimming, House Athletics and the overall House Shield. The students are already looking forward to these events with strong numbers wanting to participate in the Swimming Carnival on Friday 24th February. We look forward to seeing students proudly wearing red, trying their best in the pool and supporting their peers as we strive for a 3rd consecutive Swimming title.
Callistemon values its student leaders and it is with great pleasure I welcome Samrin and Taha to the role of Callistemon House Captains for 2023. I know they are both going to do a fantastic job and look forward to their article in the next edition of the newsletter. We have huge interest in our Student Representative Council positions with nominations and speeches taking place this week. I look forward to hearing the great ideas our student leaders have for the house this year.
Finally, it is with great sadness that we say goodbye to our House Administration Officer Ms Evans who has taken a position at another school. She has been a dedicated member to our community and is genuinely loved by all. The Callistemon parent community have spoken with Ms Evans over the phone for a number of years and have formed a special connection with her as have the students in the house. We will miss her dearly and wish her well for this next stage of her career.
Mr Jason Beattie
House Leader
Meet the 2023 Callistemon House Leadership Team!