Principal's Message

It is my pleasure to welcome you all back to Dandenong High School for the start of 2023. I would also like to acknowledge the new families and the newly appointed staff joining us and welcome them warmly to our community.
Term 1 has started positively, with students quickly connecting and engaging in their learning. All year levels have attended Welcome Back assemblies, where the school’s Community Commitment and expectations have been communicated clearly. On my travels at lunchtime, I catch up with students around the school. Many have told me how glad they are to be back and how much they are looking forward to the year ahead. Especially our new Year 7 group, who are excited to begin their secondary school learning with us and “love the new PE uniform”.
Without doubt, my highlight for the term so far has been the official opening of Stage 5 of our redevelopment, the Design Centre and Foods Technology wing. On Monday 13th February, the Minister for Education Hon. Natalie Hutchins and the Member for Dandenong the Hon. Gabrielle Williams attended along with other distinguished guests, representatives from School Council, friends of the school, staff and students. Members of the Oliphant family, in memory of Christine Oliphant former Design Technology Domain Leader, who passed away in 2020 and former Principal Martin Culkin also attended. It was a wonderful occasion and a true celebration for our school community.
For most of the audience, it was the student presentation by Year 11 STEM students (Andy N, Ruba T, Ronan M, Keely X and Shukriya MA) that will be remembered. Together they shared their passion for engineering, design and what learning in such a beautiful building meant to them. A special moment for me, was the welcome the country by Bunurong Elder Daniel Weston and the introduction by Katie Watmough (Associate Principal), around the star map of the seven sisters, which really set the tone for the occasion. Before they left the two Ministers toured the Design Centre and observed the learning that was taking place. They were incredibly impressed.
Finally, we do have a number of events in Term 1, which provide us with an opportunity to meet you and either make connections or reconnect with your family. I look forward to seeing many of you at our Year 7 Welcome Picnic on Wednesday 22nd February at 4.30pm where there will be tours of the new Design Centre available and our Badges assembly on Thursday 2nd March. Further details of this important school celebration will be communicated later in the term.
Once again, welcome everyone to 2023. I am confident that this year will be an incredibly successful one for all of us.
Susan Ogden