Deputy Principal - Academic

Mr Richard Baird


At GNLC we monitor student progress each semester and we use NAPLAN results to help us identify trends in overall student progress but also individual students whose results may indicate they would benefit from greater support in their learning.  We regard NAPLAN as a very important source of information for diagnostic purposes, but it does not define you as a person.


I read an article recently talking about the stress that some students feel toward the idea of NAPLAN or other tests. It was stated that many students were too stressed out and that is all NAPLANs fault.  It stated that the people who score these tests don’t know that some of you love to sing, or are good at dancing, etc.


That is true as it would be very strange if a government-sanctioned literacy test somehow gauged how well you could dance, or to what degree you were kind. A lot of things about us cannot be measured, and that has been the case for as long as classrooms have existed. 


But we sit and watch the kids who are good at dancing, dance. We sit and listen to the kids who are good at singing. We stand and admire the kids who are good at sports.  Yet when it comes to anything academic, we are very quick to alleviate all pressure. To downplay the importance of a test. 

Life is full of tests

Tests can teach resilience. They can teach students that even though they might feel nervous and uncomfortable, that feeling will pass. Being prepared helps. And when you work hard, sometimes it pays off. NAPLAN is a test - nothing more and nothing less. Hopefully, it teaches us about perspective. 


An exam/test is only ever indicative of your performance on a particular day - but surely that's a lesson worth learning. Of course, the NAPLAN test does not assess all of what makes you exceptional and unique, nothing can. You are all unique and special. 

Schoolbox Update 

We are pleased to advise that the final development of Schoolbox for families is progressing well. Students have been using the system positively, and we are thrilled with what this online portal will deliver to our College community. Schoolbox access for parents and guardians will be available soon.  You will receive information that will include login details, an instructional Guide, and details of Drop-In Workshops to assist with questions and knowledge of the system.