Principal's Report

As we finish term one I would like to acknowledge the hard work of staff and students as they engaged in the many learning opportunities and activities offered. We have had successful swimming and athletics carnivals, twilight music concerts, six Year 7 orientation camps at Mirimbah and active School and Student Councils. More than 1200 individual NAPLAN tests were completed in March. The Principal team has been conducting regular school tours for prospective students and families with strong interest and enthusiasm for places evident.
The College is keen to hear your feedback on preferred structure of Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences. In recent years we have had face to face, fully online and hybrid arrangements. Please take a moment to complete the survey through the link on your Compass News Feed.
There is no doubt that it has been a busy term!
I commend to everyone Student Council's latest fundraising initiative - a Fundraising Dinner for Türkiye and Syria Earthquakes Relief and you are encouraged to book tickets or make a donation via the link.
Princes Hill SC Strategic Priorities in 2023
• A far reaching and long considered revision of curriculum involving redesign and development of courses is underway for implementation in 2024. Year 10 will be aligned with Years 11 and 12 providing opportunities for greater student challenge and engagement. Year 9 becomes a stand alone program with further review of our Year 9 program anticipated in 2024 for implementation in 2025.
• A key element of our School Strategic Plan, is the implementation of the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) approach to teacher collaboration and evidence based practice is being implemented systematically through our meeting structure lead by Assistant Principal Jo Sayer and Learning Area Leaders.
School Council and parent involvement
I commend to you the School Council President's report in this newsletter and emphasise that Council's work is vital to the effective operation of our school. Behind the scenes we have been trying to find the right balance between providing hard-earned time in lieu for staff and sustaining our valued camps and Outdoor Education programs. School Council has been proactive in raising the funding implications of the new industrial agreement with the Department last year.
We are excited that our long awaited upgrade to the grounds area on the north side of the the site including resurfacing of basketball court, new seating, plantings and paving will go (again) to tender. We are very hopeful that the works will be completed this year prior to Year 12 examinations.
Working bees
Our wonderful parent and student volunteers have made a huge difference to the city campus and the Mirimbah campus as you can see from the photos below - most recently last weekend.
In Term 2, I am taking long service leave originally planned for 2020 but postponed due to the pandemic.
Sue Prosenica has been appointed by the Department as Acting Principal of the College for the term. Sue is an experienced Assistant Principal including at schools not too far away in Williamstown and University High. With such a strong staff, and experienced leadership team I am entirely confident that the school is in good hands for the term.
Trevor Smith