
2023 CSEF Applications close Friday 23 June 2023, the last day of term 2. Schools cannot submit any applications after this date.
If you have received a letter or email from the Macleod College accounts department regarding your CSEF application, please follow up immediately.
2023 Year 07 CSEF Uniform Package applications close Thursday 06 April 2023, last day of term 1. Schools cannot submit any applications after this date.
2023 Prep CSEF Winter Warmer Package will be available from the beginning of term 2.
Textbook assistance is still available from State Schools Relief. Please contact Macleod College Reception to request an application for a voucher.
Vouchers are only redeemable at North of the Yarra Books, 52 Strathallan Rd MACLEOD.
This offer is available until the end of term 1, Thursday 06 April 2023.
Parent Payment Arrangements 2023
We would like to thank all the families that have made contributions towards college charges. We do continue to encourage families to contribute, as these funds help improve student resources and make our school community an even better place to learn for our students.