Primary Leader's Report

We have had a very smooth start to 2023 in the Primary school. I think back to the temporary fencing that was in place during the remodelling of our playground spaces this time last year and how little space the students had to run and play in. This short-term pain has turned into a wonderful gain for our playground, and we now have a space that has been designed to maximise the opportunities for the students to play sports and games in a pleasant and inviting space.
Our grounds have also been enhanced by new gardens and play equipment which the students are enjoying and learning to care for. We will be adding some more facilities to reinstate our sustainability focus with the students through support from the Banyule Council and Bunnings.
As I walk through the building, I am encouraged to see the students settled and focused in their classrooms. Our new Prep cohort are learning about the routines and expectations of school life and add an element of new energy to the Primary space.
On Thursday 23 February our Year 01-06 students went off to Yarra Swim School for our Swimming Carnival. It was a wonderful morning with lots of enthusiasm showed by the children cheering their classmates on as they participated in their various events. I was so proud of all our students who gave their best even if their swimming skills were still at beginning level. They also had lots of fun joining in with the games run by the swim staff at the pool.
We returned to school greeted by the PFA who put on a yummy BBQ lunch for everyone. Overall, the students had a fabulous day with the value of Connect being very much the theme.
Please put the Thursday 23rd March on your calendar for our Twilight Sports night here at school. We will be making use of or new sports ground with lots of events for the children to participate in as well as some that parents can join in too. There will be a BBQ and food offerings by the PFA group, so we hope to see as many families as possible come along for this community event. This will be instead of our traditional Picnic in the Park this year.
Our new uniform pieces are not far away. We have been informed that they should be available to parents for purchase by the end of term 1. We will let you know when they are ready and available.
I would like to say again a warm welcome to our new families, and we look forward to a fun and productive year ahead.
Karen Butterworth
Primary Leader