Principal's Report

Welcome to 2023
I am very pleased to be back at Macleod College, and I am looking forward to a successful year.
Lots has changed at the school since my absence, and I have been playing “catch up” in many ways.
I would like to welcome everyone back to what will hopefully be a COVID free year. I am particularly excited to return to Macleod College and am sure that 2023 will be a full and rewarding year for the school.
I had the pleasure of speaking to all the students during the first week and outlined the theme for 2023:
- Enhancing and celebrating growth
I asked the students to identify a personal growth goal and a learning growth goal that will be used as a focus during the Hold Fast sessions held during the year.
I would also like to personally thank the students, staff and parents for the lovely reception that I received upon my return. I am fortunate to have a job that I love doing and that allows me to work in such a wonderful community.
We have had quite a few events since the beginning of the year:-
- Year 07 Transition Program
- Prep Transition Program
- ISP Transition Program
- Year 07 Parent/Student/Teacher BBQ
- Primary Meet the Teacher
- Valentines' Day - Library 'Minute to win it'
- Senior Round Robin
- Swimming Sports
2022 Dux Blake Hocking was overseas when we held the Year 12 Graduation and Awards Night in December 2022. Blake attended a whole school assembly on Tuesday 7th February to receive his Dux Award as well as VCE subject awards for English, Maths Methods, Specialist Maths and Chemistry.
He has accepted a position to do Mathematics/Science Teaching at Melbourne University. He is very keen to return to Macleod College as a teacher one day.
Swimming Carnival
In perfect weather the Year 07- 12 swimming carnival was held last Wednesday 22/2 at Doncaster Aquarena Aquatice Centre. Congratulations to Scarff House who won on the day.
Unfortunately once again the staff relay team failed to win the 4 x 50 metre relay. They did however manage to win the highly coveted “Lilo” race which was marred by a late protest regarding the use of an overinflated performance enhancing lilo – I would like to dispel the rumours that the lilo was last seen floating over a number of American states.
Primary students from Years 01 - 06 had their swimming carnival on Thursday 23/2 at the Yarra Plenty Swimming Club followed by a sausage sizzle at school.
Macleod College School Council Elections
Information regarding the school council elections was sent out last week via a newsfeed to parents. A reminder that nominations close next Tuesday 7 March at 4pm. Nomination forms are available at Reception.
Installation of Ramps
Temporary fencing is currently being installed around the school where ramps will be replacing stairs. Students need to keep clear of these areas.
The Department of Education and Training does not provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. Parents and guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance and ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance/transport and any other transport costs.
Student accident insurance/ambulance cover policies are available from some commercial insurers and can be obtained by parents/guardians for individual students.
PLEASE REMEMBER: Private property brought to school by students, staff or visitors is not insured, and the Department does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage.