International Students

I’m not sure who was more excited about returning to school this year, the students or the staff! It was with great pleasure that the year commenced with enrolment interviews between staff and newly arrived students and their families, both their own and local homestay families. Most of the new enrolments had postponed their arrival due to covid travel restrictions, some for over a year, so we were all relieved to see a return to normal after what can only be described as a once in a lifetime pandemic!
With disruptions to learning a thing of the past (fingers crossed) we look forward to guiding these students through their educational journey and providing them with opportunities that will enhance their decision to learn in another language and experience a different culture and country.
This semester we welcomed students from Thailand, Fiji, Vietnam and China.
The Intensive English Language Centre (IELC) commences with an Orientation Program for students and parent/guardians to help them become familiar with what a day in the life of an Australian student is like. To become successful students, they need to understand how Compass is used and how they can use a multitude of tools to stay organised and informed. Our Vietnamese and Chinese language aides provide translation support, and together we prepare students for their first day in class, and offer all the wellbeing support to ensure they are safe and happy.
The International Student Captain for 2023 Is Tianhao (Asta) Hu. Asta is a Year 11 student and was voted captain by students and staff. At the whole school assembly on 7th February, Asta prepared and delivered a speech outlining his personal experience of the travel restrictions and how much Macleod College supported him while unable to visit home. It is always uplifting to have our efforts acknowledged, and we extend our gratitude to Asta’s homestay “family”, Ms. Cochrane and all his teachers and friends.
Asta will be a great captain, and his first major task of the year will be to help all new international students understand and engage in the Swimming Carnival. Both staff and students take competing and cheering for their side very seriously, and Asta will most certainly be the right person to get them signed up for events and dressed in appropriate house colours.