
Parents as Partners to tackle Cyber Safety at home

This Newsletter we will be exploring 5 simple steps your child can take to stay safe online. 



S - SAFE - Don't give out personal information to others. This includes full names, email addresses, phone numbers, home addresses, photos, school names, birthdays... and of course.... passwords!


M - MEETING - Meeting someone you met online is never a good idea. If someone asks you online to meet up in person, just say no and speak to an adult about it. 


A - ACCEPTING - Accepting emails and messages from people you don't know is never a good idea. Keep them closed or delete them.


R - RELIABLE - Not everything you see and read on the internet is real. Sometimes people lie. Make sure you're only speaking to people you trust. 


T - TELL - If you're ever unsure or worried about something, tell a trusted adult. We are there to help you!