Prinicpal's Message

Welcome to Term 1, 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,


We have had a fantastic start to the year with the 'Getting Ready to Learn - Blast Off' period helping students to develop daily routines and social connections. It was wonderful to see so many parents at the Community Picnic which was held to celebrate another year of learning. Thank you to everyone who made the effort to come.


Cultural Day

On Friday the 3rd of February, all students participated in an Aboriginal Cultural Day. Starting with a smoking ceremony, we heard stories about our land and Bunjil the eagle. Students then participated in a range of activities that were supported by Koorie Education Support Officers as well as our Young Aboriginal Leaders. Some of these included art, artifacts, traditional games, stories and the design of a football jumper. Everyone had a great time and were grateful for this opportunity.


School Review

On Monday, the school review will be begin. Supporting the school through this rigorous process will be two external principals, our Senior Education Advisor, an independent reviewer, the SC president, staff, students and parents.


On Wednesday the 1st of March, parents will be invited to participate in a forum so that reflections of our school's performance can be aired. We would love to have your voice and input as a part of the review process so that we can make the necessary improvements. This will help to ensure that we operate at the highest level possible into the future.


Prep Parent Pancake Breakfast

A quick reminder that the Prep Parent Pancake Breakfast will be taking place on the 21st of February at 8:00 am. This is a great opportunity to get to know other parents in the same year level and to receive some special teacher catering. 


Ready to Learn Conferences

Thank you to everyone who took the time to attend the 'Ready to Learn' conferences on Tuesday. This was an invaluable process that allowed teachers to learn about their students from the main expert - you. Our theme this year is 'Learning Together' and this is a prime example of the teacher-parent partnership that we hope to foster regularly through the year.


Outdoor Classroom

Plans are currently underway for an outdoor classroom to be located in the back corner of the bush block. All classes will have the opportunity to utilise this area during the week as this will provide an alternate environment that will benefit many student learning styles.


Thank you for your ongoing support - I really appreciate it.


Kind regards,


Julie Ladd


Please call the office or use Compass to explain your child's absence.  It is a Department of Education and Training requirement that all student absences are explained.  As a school we will be seeking an explanation for all unexplained absences with parents and carers.