Welcome to Performing Arts



We have gotten off to a great start this year with Performing Arts. The children have been developing their confidence with dance, improvising and performing over the past few weeks. We started the year with setting up and practicing routines, sharing expectations and creating a safe and creative space for the children to flourish. It is wonderful to see confidence blossoming and how much they encourage and support one another in our classes.


Here is an overview of what drama each class has been doing recently:


Prep - Year 1: Fairy Tales - 'Three Billy Goats Gruff', 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' etc.

Years 2-3: 'Dragon Trouble'

Years 4-6: 'Cinder-really?'


On Wednesday the 1st of March, Years 5 and 6 ventured to Princess Theatre to behold the magic of 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child'. It was an unforgettable experience as both classes spent the next day discussing and reviewing it.


Here's what Tom H in Year 6 had to say about it in his review:


"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is an exquisite play fit for everybody at the Princess Theatre. Magical things happen, but nothing this magical. It’s set 20 years after the Harry Potter movies with the two protagonists being Harry Potter’s son, Albus, and Draco Malfoy’s son, Scorpius.


Everything was well coordinated with unbelievable special effects and feats that I’ve never seen anywhere else, and I’ve been to quite a few plays! Filled with action, fantasy and suspense you will be on the edge of your seat the whole time. There are no substitute for this play! My favourite part is the fight at the end against Voldemort's Son! No spoilers…


I just have to talk about the special effects! Fire flying across the stage, the stage shaking and blurring and best of all flying dementors looking at us all and taking away people into the air. Another cool one was when the whole theatre lit up with creepy writing under UV lights and it was quite creepy. 


I would greatly recommend this show to anyone. I couldn’t find anything that I didn’t like about the show. This play bends the boundaries of theatre and in person breaks them."


2023 is going to be a very special year for us here at St. Joseph's, as we will have our School Production to look forward to at the start of Term Four. The auditions for 'Finding Nemo Jr' will take place on Friday the 31st of March for Year 5/6 students. St. Joseph's School Musical is an event that our whole school community shows pride and passion in. We are very excited to commence the preparation for 'Finding Nemo Jr'! 


Please enjoy some photos of the children during various Performing Arts activities.


Edel Cleere

Performing Arts Teacher