Autism Inclusion Teacher

At Magill School we believe it is important to celebrate student’s strengths and interests and foster an appreciation of other’s differences.


Autism is a developmental condition that affects how a person learns and interacts with the world around them. Because Autism has many different characteristics, no two people on the spectrum are alike. Every Autistic person is different from one another. This is why Autism is described as a ‘spectrum’.


The current research suggests that an estimated 1 in 70 people in Australia are on the Autism spectrum. Autism can be diagnosed in people from all cultural and economic backgrounds.


At Magill School we would like to acknowledge World Autism Understanding Day which was on Sunday the 2nd of April. To celebrate this day I asked some of the children on the Autism spectrum at Magill School what they would like the Magill community to know about Autism.


With kindness, 

Jessica Kalleske