Farewell Mr Walmsley

It is with many mixed emotions and feelings that I wish to take this opportunity to say thank you and farewell to everyone at Magill School. 


Magill and all of the incredible staff, our supportive families and the wonderful students, have all made this such a wonderful place to work, learn and grow and a place that I will always hold near and dear in my heart and have very fond memories of!


For the past nine years, Magill has been an amazing place to teach and work and a huge part of my life and my journey as a teacher and leader. Having arrived in Adelaide at the end of 2014 originally from Northern New South Wales and more recently from a stint teaching in London, I began working as a Year 5 classroom teacher in 2015 and fell in love with the place and the community! 


Living nearby and playing sport in the local area, I felt an instant connection with the school and the vibrant, rich community. I instantly felt a strong bond and relationship with the dynamic multicultural nature of the school, the onus on high quality education and learning outcomes for our children and the deep rooted sporting history of the school. These three pillars have always been a welcome reminder of why I will be forever proud and honoured to have worked and taught at Magill!


During my time here, I’ve been so fortunate to work with a committed and professional team of teachers and SSOs who are passionate, driven and committed to providing the absolute best for our students. Along the journey, I have learnt plenty and made plenty of mistakes, but have always felt supported and able to perform at my best with the encouragement and care of those around me.  


I wish to thank and farewell all of the amazing staff at Magill… I will miss you all and thank every one of you for your support and the ever-lasting memories over the years. 

To all of the community, families and students… thank you! It has been an amazing journey that I have loved every moment of. 


I now look forward to moving on to the next phase and challenge in my career and will be starting as Principal at Marion Primary School at the start of Term 2.


I will certainly not be a stranger in the years to come and am eagerly looking forward to returning to see the beautiful Junior Primary building and playground when it is complete.


Many thanks and farewell, 


Guy Walmsley 

Assistant Principal