Leadership Report

The Term in Review

Whilst it may not be the end of the term for learning, this is our final newsletter for Term 1. What a term it has been! Thinking back to the nerves of the first day of school, our Reception students are now well in the swing of this school thing. New students across all year levels have developed friendships and settled into the routines and structures of our school. Our Year 6 School Leaders have already connected with partnership school student leaders and have hosted our first school tour of the year.


Term 1 events have included music incursions with Jon Madin and the Music is Fun Band, team building excursions for the Year 6 and Year 4 cohorts, Kindness Week and Harmony Day celebrations, Kaurna Cultural Centre visit by the Year 5 cohort, Road Safety Centre excursion for the Reception students, walking tours of the local area for Year 3 students and who could forget our first fundraising activity for the year - the Colour Explosion!

This term also saw NAPLAN testing move to Term 1 from Term 2. A national decision by the testing authority which will provide results earlier in the year for teachers and schools to analyse and monitor student progress with. 


Our new school building is taking shape, which the students have enjoyed watching the progress of. We can't wait to get it back in our hands and design some fantastic learning spaces for our younger students. In conjunction with the transformation of the building, a selection of Junior Primary students participated in a consultation process for the design of the new outdoor play spaces with the architects. The students provided expert advice and perspective in regards to what they wanted to be included in their new play space, and how they wanted it to look and feel. While sadly the water slide won't fit the brief, we are excited at the possibilities we can create for the students. 


As I touched on earlier, we do return to school for 4 days next week after the Easter break. Friday 14th April will be an early dismissal at 2:05 pm so please make sure early pick up arrangements have been made, or that your child is booked into our wonderful OSHC service.


Returning to school next term, the first day for students will be Tuesday 2nd May, as our teachers engage with Numeracy Professional Learning during the Pupil Free Day on Monday 1st May. 


We hope you and your family have a safe and enjoyable Easter break, whether it be a trip away with friends and family or a stay-cation at home. 


Kasey Thorne

Assistant Principal 

Inside Magill Term 1