Sport & Co-Curricular

Notices and Co-Curricular Information

Senior Co-Curricular Sports

Term 2 Information:

The winter sport season commenced this week, with over 30 teams taking to the court, field, or stage. All students playing sport should have received an email with their team’s draw for the first four games. After four weeks, SACSSGSA will re-grade teams and a fixture for the rest of the season will be released. 


Congratulations to our senior hockey team on their fantastic victory of 9-0 during their first game last Saturday. We are delighted to have a team representing Loreto College once again.  A special thank goes to our dedicated coaches Stewart, Constance and Arabella for their efforts in preparing the team for this game.


Weekly Fixtures – Term 2, Round 1

Training Schedule



The aerobics girls have been working hard in preparation for their first competition. They will be participating in the FISAF Super Series on Saturday 20th May, followed by the FISAF State Championships on Saturday 1st July.


Student Achievements:

Congratulations to Jasmine Davis who competed in the State Gymnastics and achieved a 2nd on beam, 2nd on floor and came 3rd overall for Level 7 U14.  Such an amazing achievement!


Also, congratulations to Lily Rugari who also competed at the State Championships and placed 1st - hoop, 2nd -ball, 3rd -ribbon and is runner up State Champion in Level 10 Rhythmic Gymnastics. She has been selected for the State team to represent SA at the Australian Gymnastics Championships on the Gold Coast in May. We wish Lily all the best for the Australian Gymnastics Championships. 

If you have any questions about co-curricular sport please contact me on


Ms Sophie Hage

Leader of Sport and Sport Performance

Junior Sports News

Junior School Sport

We are one week into the winter sports program at Loreto and already our games and trainings have served up some learning opportunities. The Junior School’s winter sports program got underway this afternoon with the Loreto Swish basketball team taking on St John’s at Wayville. Our girls were switched on from the start, creating turnovers and scoring freely.


The girls didn't get a chance to train together before the game, however, the girls gelled quickly and it was great to see them share the ball around. In the end all five players finished up on the scoresheet and we ran out winners 31-2.


Well done to Greta who was playing her first game of basketball! Her netball skills transferred over and she shot with deadly accuracy. Erin rebounded strongly at both ends of the court and also scored a number of points. Beatrice made it look easy at times, dodging and weaving her way down the court. She also sunk one incredible long-range jump shot. Michelle was devastating on defence, picking up a number of steals and intercepting everything in sight. Isabelle was the youngest on the court but scored 6 points and even picked up a few rebounds against taller players.


Well done girls on a great start to the term! the other junior sports have gotten underway during Week 2.


"We're hopeless," one player declared dejectedly as the first quarter ended. We hadn't scored and the opposition was well on top. The girls trudged off for a quick drink. Sport provides plenty of opportunities for our young athletes to demonstrate resilience. It is so important not to give up at the first hurdle. Not everything will go perfectly every game. It is so important to believe in yourself and your teammates. We can comeback even after something has gone wrong. Stay positive. We can turn it around. We can do this, girls.  Keep working hard, even if the scoreboard is against us.

Well... as it turned out we weren't hopeless.


After quarter time our teamwork blossomed and we strung together some nice passages of play. Our confidence grew and by half time we were in front. We dominated the second half and finished the game comfortable winners. Hopefully the next time we find ourselves behind in a game we can tap into that experience.


The power of being a good teammate

One girl was a bit nervous before the first training session of the term. It was a sport she had never played and she was a bit reluctant to join in the training that was already underway. Just when she was on the verge of heading back to the car, a teammate came running over. 




Asked if she could please be her partner for the next activity. Our newcomer’s face lit up straight away. The pair happily trotted off to join in the activity and away we went. Had a fun training session followed by a first up win.


A fear conquered. A positive experienced banked. All because one young girl took it upon herself to show some care and to be a good teammate. Notably this gesture didn’t need to be prompted by coaches or parents. It is fantastic to see Loreto girls demonstrating these qualities and showing initiative.One of the great things about school sport is that it has the full spectrum of participants. Some will have played the sport for years… for others it will be brand new. Some will be confident… others will be nervous. The more confident, experienced players can have a HUGE impact on players who are new. Even a small gesture such as a kind word, some encouragement or even just pairing up for a drill can make a newcomer feel part of the team and excited about coming back next week.


Game Faces

Our hockey team took to the field for the first time on Friday against a strong, tough looking group of Wilderness players.


The first few minutes were a bit of a shock to the system for our girls. The bigger Wilderness girls were barging past us at will, winning each contest and being first to any loose ball. They piled on the goals. We were 5-0 down after 7 minutes and I was reaching nervously for the record books. In a 40 minute game this could get quite ugly.


However, things changed from that point on. The game finished 5-1. For the last 33 minutes we actually ‘won’ 1-0.


What changed? Playing against good teams can be a fantastic learning environment. The aggression and power the Wilderness team was playing with took us by surprise initially but it didn’t take long for us to adjust. We raised ourselves up to their level. We improved very quickly by playing against a strong team. We simply started doing what they were doing. We started being aggressive, strong and powerful. Wilderness had their game faces on from the start. It took us 7 minutes to find ours.


Olivia Purcell, Geelong/Melbourne AFLW player: “It’s funny, I feel like I’m very laid back and easy-going at football and even away from football, but I do have white-line fever when I play. It’s sort of interesting and I sort of laugh about it with family and my teammates because they find it really funny on game day. There’s like this whole different side of me. So, I do feel like I have to just keep really chill because I know on game day, I can really flip the switch.”

One of the lessons we learned from Wilderness is that we can “flip the switch” on game day. Off the field we can be polite, kind, friendly, funny... but on the pitch we are allowed to be aggressive, determined, desperate, powerful, ferocious. After sitting in a classroom all day, sport can be a fantastic release! Attack the ball with speed. Refuse to let your opponent get past you. Pounce first on any loose ball – make it yours. Play angry! Within the rules of course... Then after the game we can smile, shake hands, sweet as pie.


Good luck to all teams this week. Game faces on, girls. 

Mr Ben Johnswood

Sport Coordinator

Looking for Players - Year 4/5/6 Volleyball

We have just enough players to enter a team this winter but would love 1-2 extras to give ourselves some cover.


Volleyball games are fast, fun and exciting with rules and equipment suitable for newcomers. We play our games Friday after school at the Unley High School gym.


If you daughter is interested in playing, please contact Ben at

Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival

On Wednesday 3 May, a squad of 27 athletes competed in the SACSSGSA swimming carnival at the SA Aquatic and Leisure centre. Loreto achieved first place in the U13 and U16 age groups, and third place overall. 


Congratulations to the team and and to the parents for their support.

Mrs Mandy Braddock and Ms Lydia Baccanello

Student Sporting Achievements

Sofia Spagnoletti (Year 6) represented the East Adelaide SAPSASA District at the State Swimming Carnival last Thursday 4 May with swimmers from all over South Australia travelling to the SA Aquatic Centre at Marion to compete.


Sofia had a terrific meet, coming 3rd in the 50m Butterfly, 4th in the 50m Backstroke and 5th in the 100m Freestyle. To cap off her day, she won gold with the 50m Freestyle relay team. The East Adelaide team finished in 2nd place overall. Congratulations Sofia!