Faith and Mission

From the Mission Team

Faith Life 

Two significant events took place at Loreto in the last couple of weeks. The first was a liturgy held on World Earth Day, which focused on the theme of caring for our planet, facilitated by Year 4  Gold. The second event was the Sacrament of Reconciliation liturgy, which was celebrated for 22 girls from years 3, 4 and 5.


On World Earth Day, our school community gathered together for a liturgy that reminded us of our responsibility to care for our planet. The liturgy began with a beautiful procession as the choir sang the hymn "I am the Earth." The lyrics of the song spoke of the earth as our home and our responsibility to protect it. It was a poignant moment that set the tone for the rest of the liturgy. During the liturgy, we were reminded of the many ways in which we can care for the earth. We were encouraged to reduce our use of single-use plastics, to conserve energy and water, and to be mindful of our carbon footprint.  


At the end of the liturgy, we were delighted to give a special blessing to the girls who were to receive their Reconciliation. The girls were invited to stand up as we prayed for them and their families. It was a touching moment that reminded us of the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation in our lives. 


On Tuesday, May 9, we celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation liturgy for these girls. The liturgy was celebrated by Fr Chris Jenkins, our parish priest, and assisted by Fr Gaetan. It was a beautiful liturgy that was attended by many parents and family members. The girls were encouraged to reflect on their actions and to seek forgiveness for any wrongs they may have committed. The girls will receive their certificates, marking their completion of the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the end of next week’s Mothers’ Day liturgy. It was a joyous moment, and we were all proud of the girls for their commitment to their faith. 


We would like to extend our gratitude to Fr Chris and Fr Gaetan for their guidance and support in making these events possible. We would also like to thank all of our students, teachers, and parents who participated in these liturgies and helped to make them a success. 


In closing, we hope that these events have inspired all of us to be better stewards of our planet and to seek forgiveness and reconciliation in our lives. We look forward to continuing to celebrate our faith and our commitment to the earth in the weeks and months to come. 

Year 11 Reflection Day - Be a Person of Justice 

On Wednesday our Year 11 cohort gathered with open hearts and minds, at the Monastery for a day filled with the opportunity to reflect on the value of Justice. 

The reflection day began with understanding the Mary Ward Value of Justice. The students then began a process of self-reflection, as individuals, they took time to ponder their own experiences, biases, and privileges. As the day unfolded, connections deepened, and new friendships blossomed. A highlight of the reflection day was our guest speaker, Emma from St Ignatius Parish, who shared her personal journey and spoke about her passion for justice.  The students learned that people in our communities need our support every day, and that we should not take for granted everything that we have in our own lives.   Emma inspired the year 11 students to act for justice, reminding them that even the smallest actions could make a significant impact on the lives of others. Emma’s words resonated deeply, leaving an indelible mark on everyone present. 


Social Justice at Loreto College 

Project Compassion 2023 - For All Future Generations

In a true display of unity and compassion, our community has come together to raise an astounding $9,150 for the Caritas’ Project Compassion. Through various initiatives such as collecting coins, organizing sponsored walks, and selling lollies, and of course Purple Day, we have made a tangible impact on the lives of those in need. Every coin collected, every step taken, and every lolly sold has contributed to transforming lives and fostering hope. This achievement not only reflects our community's generosity but also highlights our response as Mary Ward People, which guides us in our pursuit of justice and compassion. We can take pride in knowing that our collective actions have made a real difference in the lives of others. Together, we have exemplified what it means to be a community rooted in faith, compassion, justice, and solidarity. 


You can read more about the people supported by Caritas Australia and you here: Stories from Project Compassion 2023 (