Class 1 Steiner

Celebrating Learning


We’ve had such a lovely start to Term 2! Everyone was so joyful to see each other again and had much to share about their holidays. 


We started the term with lots of hands-on activities such as weeding and watering the garden, beeswax, painting and baking. Last Wednesday 1S joined Lucy’s preps in their old classroom to bake ANZAC biscuits together. Afterwards we discussed instructional texts, and the students created their own, with steps on how to make ANZAC biscuits. 



Our current main lesson is exploring our connection to nature through storytelling, imaginative play, caring for our school garden and wider community. We have also been classifying living and non-living things, which has led to some very enthusiastic discussions around earth, the moon and sun. 


In mathematics we have begun to explore various strategies for addition and will begin to expand our understanding of strategies for subtraction in the coming weeks.