Foundation Steiner–Celebrating Learning

Welcome back Foundation Steiner!


It has been a great start! We made Anzac day biscuits with 1S last week which was a great success!



We have been enjoying starting to learn our sound of the day rhymes and learning how to segment sounds as part of our literacy program. We are continuing our daily storytelling, with one story running over 2 weeks. This week's story is all about a pine tree who wants to change, but then learns that it was best just the way it was. 


We have started our journey into the land of numbers and King Maximo and his Knights are helping us appreciate the quality of numbers. 


We have continued with our creative and play based program allowing lots of time for inside and outside play, fitting it in wherever we can around our fun packed program!


Keep up the great work and remember to allow lots of time for play and rest at home.