A Message from David

Welcome back to term 2 and a special wominjeka to Nemo who joins us this term and is teaching 2/3S for the remainder of the year. There are also a number of pre-service teachers who will be working in various classes across the school this term. We hope your time with us is full of learning and joy.



At Thornbury Primary School our top priority is to provide a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment for all students, staff, and members of our community. We firmly believe in the power of collaboration between our school and parents/carers to enhance student learning, engagement, and overall wellbeing. Together, we share the responsibility of creating an inclusive and secure school environment for our students and I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you that we have supports available for your child if the need arises. 


From time to time, our school needs to enact safety procedures to respond to the challenging behaviours from some students that may pose a safety risk. Student and staff wellbeing is paramount at our school, and strategies like leaving the classroom or playground area are important tools used to ensure that students are safe while our staff respond to the situation. If you believe your child has been impacted by the behaviour of another student, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or your child’s classroom teacher to discuss what supports are available.


We understand that each child has unique needs and circumstances, and our goal is to ensure that every child feels valued, heard, and supported. 


Toilet upgrade update

The final design has been approved and will now go out for construction tendering. We are hopeful that this next phase of the process will be relatively quick, and that construction can be completed before the end of the year. We will keep you updated as we receive more information.


Community forums – term 2

The focus of the forums this term will be on the school’s vision and values. This will involve reviewing the current vision and values and whether they reflect the school and where we want to be. 


The school’s current vision is:


To live respectfully and learn from Wurundjeri ways to care for Country. We promote curious and resilient learners who make a difference in our world. We are courageous and proud individuals who have high expectations for learning. (Nanggit Balit). We are “A creative and diverse community growing together”.


The Deadly values are:

  • Perseverance
  • Working together
  • Respect
  • Trust
  • Integrity

The forums will be held on the following dates/times:

  • Wednesday 24th May – 7.30pm
  • Friday 26th May – 9am


  • We have a working bee tomorrow from 9am to 1pm 
  • We have moved to fortnightly Dhumbadjirri