
From the Director  |  Understanding Vaping Webinar  |  Contact form  |  Helpful contacts

From the Director

Welcome back to our school community. 


I hope you had a restful holiday break and are feeling refreshed and recharged.


On Monday, 8 May during pastoral care, the following presentations took place for our VCE students:



Year 11 

Brad Felstead from Felstead Education presentation ‘Study Calm’.  The Year 11’s were encouraged to relax, stay calm and reduce stress and anxiety amidst the pressures of senior school.  The students were taken through some guided breathing exercises to support the neuroscience behind how staying calm supports your brain to function at its optimal level and help students achieve the best outcomes.  


Year 12 

The Victorian Institute of Sport provides guest speakers through their VIS Be Fit Be Well athlete program.  Rhydian Cowley, an Australian race walker who specialises in the 50km race walk and 20km race walk, presented to the Year 12s the importance of motivation and hard work to achieve the goals you set for yourself.


The Wellbeing team organises these presentations for the benefit of your children to support them during what can be a very stressful, but extremely important phase of their education.  Cheltenham Secondary College is supporting all of our students to achieve their personal best and encourages them to strive for excellence in whatever their chosen field or passion. 


The messages provided by the presenters about breathing, mindfulness, motivation, setting goals and working hard are transferable to all aspects of our lives. It is extremely important that we allow our brains to rest after studying to allow the information to move from our short-term memory into our long-term memory.  This makes sure that the information is embedded properly and can be recalled and used in assessments and exams, helping us to achieve the goals that we are setting.

Ways that we can rest and recuperate from studying or stressful situations are:

Kerri Haworth

Director of Wellbeing

Understanding Vaping Webinar

Monash Health, City of Casey, City of Greater Dandenong, Shire of Cardinia and Quit are coming together to provide a free webinar on Understanding Vaping.  This would have to be the hottest topic currently affecting our young people.


The guest speaker is Sharon Torpey from Drug Education Australia.  Sharon is the co-founder and Director of Drug Education Australia, a leading provider of high-quality, factual drug education.  Sharon is a qualified health education teacher with 20 years of experience in connecting with young people.


The session will cover the following topics:

- up-to-date and accurate information on e-cigarettes/vapes

- trends and risks of vaping

- understanding and supporting our young people

- practical strategies to address vaping.


The free Webinar will take place on Tuesday 6th June from 7.00 - 8.30pm.


Please see the link below if you are interested in attending.  


The target audience is anyone who is interested in learning more about vaping, including parents, teachers, sports clubs and professionals.


Register for the Webinar


Wellbeing Contact Form


Contact our Cheltenham Secondary College Wellbeing team directly with any concerns or issues and one of the team will get back to you. The form can be accessed here.

Helpful Contacts



Headspace Centres can be a one-stop shop for all young people who just need some help with everyday stuff or wellbeing and physical health. 


Kids Helpline


Kids Helpline is across Australia, it is free, private and confidential 24/7. Mainly for young people aged 5 to age 25.

Call them on.. 1800 55 1800




Provides all Australians everywhere experiencing a personal crisis allowing 24-hour support. Call them on.. 13 11 14


Beyond Blue


Provides information and support which helps tackle head-on the effects of mental health issues no matter where or what age. 

Call them on.. 1300 22 4636




Fantastic service for parents and carers of young children from a few days of age all the way up to 18-year-olds. This service offers counselling and support which is confidential and anonymous on all issues around parenting.  Call them on...13 22 89.