Term 2, Week 1-3 

College Catch Up

Anzac Assembly  |  Open Night Success  |  This is 'IT' Laptop Program visit

Anzac Assembly

Wednesday 26th April saw the College acknowledge Anzac Day with a whole school assembly.


Our students and staff were fortunate enough to hear tales from two ex-servicemen, father and son, Sergeant Alan Murphy and Squadron Leader Corin Murphy (and his service dog Daisy); thank you for sharing your stories and to the Cheltenham-Moorabbin RSL for organising the visit. Thank you also to City of Kingston Mayor, Hadi Saab and School Council Vice President, Rory Hall for being in attendance.


Alan presented the college with a framed photograph. The photo of which Alan took shortly after the Battle of Long Tan as he was heading out to operations with 2 Troop 1APC Squadron, as a Crew Commander on an APC. An amazing piece of history for the College to reflect on the sacrifices made by all of our ANZACs.


Thank you to our students involved in the assembly; our student leaders, flag attendants and our fabulous College Concert Band and Chelt.Voices.


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Open Night Success

The College Open Night on Wednesday 3rd May, was a great success with close to 100 families coming to the college for a tour which included interactive activities in the classrooms and talks from Principal Karl Russell or Assistant Principal Brooke Matthews with College Leaders Jasmine and Mickey.


Many thanks to all involved in the lead-up and on the night to ensure our visitors had a wonderful Cheltenham Secondary College experience. From the students and teachers who conducted the tours, organised classroom activities and demonstrations and the administration staff who assisted with registration, it really was a team effort.


Grade 5 and 6 students in attendance with their parents were given a 'passport' upon registration which contained questions where the answers would be found on the tour, those who returned their completed passport went into the draw to win some fabulous prizes.  Thank you to the following companies for their generous donations:



A huge thank you to our friends at Edunet for their generous donation of a voucher towards a laptop for a lucky 2024 Year 7 student who attended our Open Night during the week.


Edunet assists over 600 Australian schools with a reliable and personalised approach and has done so for over twenty years.


Cheltenham Secondary College recommends Edunet for their student and staff technology needs.

An enormous thank you to our friends at Bob Stewart Pty Ltd for their generous donation of a voucher towards uniform items, for a lucky 2024 Year 7 student who attended our Open Night during the week.

Bob Stewart is a third-generation family business that specialises in the supply and retail of school uniforms and is the supplier of Cheltenham Secondary College uniform items.


For all of your uniform requirements, visit the Mentone store (93 Balcombe Rd) or place orders online.

A heartfelt thank you to Bayside PC Services for their kind donation of a Home Computer Tune-Up to a lucky family who attended our recent Open Night.


Bayside PC Services is your friendly expert in computer support. Based locally and run by a Cheltenham Secondary College parent, Rik takes care of all of your home and business technology needs.


If your home or business needs a tech tune-up, please call Rik on 0408 314 814 or visit baysidepc.com.au to find out more about the range of services Rik provides.


A big thank you to our friends at International Sports Camps for their fabulous donation of a holiday program voucher to a lucky attendee at our recent Open Night.


With over 50 years of combined experience in providing great sports coaching for children, International Sports Camps allows aspiring young players to take their game to the next level.


International Sports Camps school holiday programs, which are often run out of Cheltenham Secondary College, provide three days and 19.5 hours of skills coaching for junior players of all standards 5 to 15 years of age.


For more information on what camps are on offer, head to iscamps.com.au.

A massive thank you to Campion Education for their generous donation of two vouchers to go towards textbooks and stationery supplies for two lucky 2024 Year 7 students who attended our Open Night during the week.


Campion Education is an Australian family-owned business and the largest supplier of education resources including print, digital and stationery resources to schools in Australia. We are a leader in digital delivery and partner with schools to ensure smooth service and unparalleled support – making sure schools can provide the best learning outcomes for their students.

A huge thank you to one of our Chelt.Sec families, who have an association with Woolworths, for the kind donation of a Woolworths voucher that was won by a lucky family who attended our recent Open Night.


The voucher was greatly received and the winners were very appreciative.


What a great community we have!

To put on an event such as Open Night takes a lot of time, effort and people power! Staff worked tirelessly and students gave up their time to assist on the night. In fact, just shy of 100 students participated in Open Night, whether it be as tour leaders, subject (domain) assistants, performing in the band or showcasing our gym by playing sports. To reward them, they were treated to a pizza dinner and also went into the draw to win a t-shirt, kindly donated by Camps International.


Camps International - Ethical journeys with impact, are not like other school expedition providers. As a social enterprise, they are driven by their strong sense of purpose, which forms their foundation and determines every aspect of the way they operate.


They invest in building permanent camps in the heart of the places they care about. They commit to the highest standards of responsible tourism throughout all their operations. They work in partnership with local communities and employ a fantastically diverse team of passionate staff around the globe.


Most importantly, they put purpose before profit, always. They call this the Camps Effect and it is the engine that drives our positive impact – for the young people who travel with them and for the planet.


Thank you Camps International for your generous donation.

This is 'IT', Laptop Program - Thank you!


On Friday 5th May, the college was visited by Andrew Simmons, CEO of This is 'IT', Laptop Program and we accepted, with great pleasure, 14 laptops.


In 2020, the This is 'IT', Laptop Program initiative was born, in an attempt to equalise access to education across the South East region of Melbourne. Now in 2023, with the assistance of very generous donors, the initiative has expanded into the Bayside and Peninsula regions.


The initiative aimed to offer scholarships to local students, in the form of laptops.


Through donations of unused laptops, This is 'IT' reconfigure, upgrade software and supply repurposed laptops to government secondary schools that are then utilised within the school to support students.


What a fabulous initiative!


A huge Chelt.Sec thanks to Andrew and the team.