Faculty News

High Performance and Potential Program
Mrs Parker & Aurora chemistry student Heidi Aquilini, giving a lesson to some of the high performance & potential students. The students had the opportunity to learn some basic microbiology & chemistry skills in the science lab. Well done girls!
Mr Clay's Year 10 Science students, testing their water rockets. Take a look at their work!
Mrs Parker & Mrs Clay's Year 7 Science classes investigating some laws of Physics in their Science lesson.
Year 11 & 12 construction students are undertaking a training course this week with the Yalagan Group. Some of the year 11 students can be seen here with some of the equipment used.
Primary Industries & Agriculture
On Monday Yr 11 and 12 students had special guest, Alan Robinson for a presentation.
Mr Robinson is a very experienced agronomist in tropical fodder and forage cropping. He has worked across the globe, particularity in developing countries, supporting agriculture development. His insight and knowledge into sustainable agricultural projects was extremely educational. Ms Scott attended and was only supposed to be there for 10 minutes, but found it so interesting, she stayed for the entire presentation!
Students in Year 9 resilience were asked to perform 2 tasks in class. The 1st task was to take a roll of toilet paper, rip off as many squares as they wanted. Once each student had taken their squares, they were asked to write on each piece something they were grateful for. Some students took 1 square others took 5 or more.
The 2nd task involved writing on a piece of paper, something they were grateful for about each classmate. At the conclusion of the class students were able to read & reflect on what was written about them.
This activity is aimed at creating a positive outlook for students & to reflect on all the things that they are grateful for in life.