school council

19 June 2020


Last night we had a School Council meeting via WebEx. As usual it was a great meeting with such an amazing group of Councillors, I want to thank them all so much for their passion and energy. We started our meeting last night, as I want to start this update, by expressing our gratitude and thanks to Wendy White for her enormous contribution over the past weeks. She has done so much to support our school over the past weeks while Hannah has been unwell, at great personal expense. Thank you, Wendy, from us all.


We were joined last night by the Communications Working Party who shared the results from the survey conducted a couple of months back. It was a great session and we expect the team to be able to share the final results with you all in the coming weeks. We hope you will see some positive developments over the coming months. 


School Council reviewed the building program (now we’ve had the $6.2 million confirmed for this year!), talked through the School Review (which is back on track for Term 3) and reviewed the program for camps (so exciting for the 5/6 to be able to go to ACT and it looks like we may yet be able to do something for 3/4 camp in Term 3).


Each of the Sub-Committees presented their regular reports. The B&G team have done so much (not least of which being the new taps, sinks and hand sanitiser stations) and have such a broad agenda for the coming months. CET are re-running the amazing virtual trivia night, how exciting! Thanks to the Curriculum Committee and the Wellbeing & Engagement Committee for picking up so much since the end of remote learning, it was fascinating to hear feedback from your experiences of having the kids at home. While it’s an unusual time for finances, the Finance Committee were pleased to report accounts are in a reasonable shape thus far. And finally, we got to hear from OSHC and more about the Indigenous Grant they received, how they have been maintaining connections to the community and how the service requirements are returning to normal after remote learning.


Please take care, please look after yourselves and please look after those around you. Our thoughts are with everyone. All our best to everyone for the approaching school holidays. 


Sam Cohen

School Council President 

m 0412 375 061