oshc & sprout 



Dear families,


Next week we will have limited take home meals on 2 different nights. On Monday it will be Mexican Beans and on Wednesday Vegetarian Coconut Curry. 

Next week we will post a brand new menu for term 3. Please keep an eye on the price of sandwiches as there have been a few short payments recently. 



Wominjeka Everyone, 


And just like that we are at the last weeks of this unusual term!

A reminder that next Friday, 26th of June, is the last day of the term and students are dismissed at 2:30pm.

After School Care will be provided from 2:30 until 6pm and it is free due to the Child Care Relief Package.





As you are aware of, CCS will be re instate from the 13th of July, this means families will again need to pay the gap fee (the child care fee after Government subsidies). 


Families who were getting CCS before 6 April 2020 won't need to do anything for their subsidy to start again, as long as they have remained eligible and enrolled. Their CCS will start again automatically on 13 July 2020. 


Families who received CCS for 2018-19 and still haven't confirmed their income for that financial year must do so by 30 June 2020. If they don't, their CCS and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) will not start again on 13 July 2020.


Parents and their partners confirm their income with Centrelink by either: 

  • lodging their tax returns with the Australian Taxation Office
  • completing an ‘Advise non-lodgement of tax return’ with Centrelink, if they don’t need to lodge a tax return. This can be done through the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.

It’s important to know that if a family’s CCS and ACCS stops they will not be back paid for the period between when it stops and when they confirm their income. Families will need to pay full fees during this time. There’s more information about time limits for confirming income for CCS on the Services Australia website.



Re booking for Term 3


A reminder that, if you need care for Term 3, families must re book their children in OSHC.

If you need a casual booking, you must book the sessions via MFL App.

If you need a permanent booking you need to make a new OSHC booking request.


New OSHC Booking Request


Please read the following steps:


1. you must request a booking through QKenrol using a laptop or desktop (Mobile does not allow you to request a booking) 

2. Go to Current Bookings and click Edit

3. Follow the prompts to make a booking change or a new booking request - please select start date

4. An offer email will be sent out to you and you must accept the offer to confirm your bookings. Please note: if you don’t accept the offer your booking will not be active



If you have any issues, please let Bernadetta know and she will assist you ASAP.


From the program


Cooking Club with Naarah and a special guest: Lisa Do – Making delicious pumpkin scones!

Kids choice arts & craft with paper & raffia

More photos below

Jungle Playground

Legomania and Magnets constructions