In The Art Room 

Week 5, Term 3

Art-Along with Mrs Lawn

Come join me in my first 'Virtual Art Room' presentation on Monday, 24th of August at 1:30pm. We shall be exploring ways of Making Art in the Kitchen, using foodstuffs and other potentially messy things. No need to prepare anything special. Your kitchen space at home is just fine. Perhaps you might like to wear an apron and be prepared to clean your space afterwards.

I'm looking forward to "seeing you"!

I'll keep you posted for the link!

Grade 1 and 2 Art

Playdough Colour Wheels  

Grade 1 and 2 students have been having lots of fun exploring COLOUR. They have been making playdough with their grownups, playing with playdough and exploring the rainbow of possibilities achieved if you mix playdough colours. If you would also like to have fun with playdough, check out the recipe below.

Pippa making colours.
Jaspers Playdough colour wheel
Savannah's colour wheel
Savannah's rainbow
What a wonderful rainbow village!
Pippa making colours.
Jaspers Playdough colour wheel
Savannah's colour wheel
Savannah's rainbow
What a wonderful rainbow village!


Homemade Play dough Recipe

You will need:

2 cups plain flour

3/4 cup salt

4 teaspoons cream of tartar

2 cups lukewarm water

2 Tablespoons of vegetable oil (coconut oil works too)

Food colouring, optional

zip lock bags

Please make sure your grownup is handling all of the hot stuff!

  1. Stir together the flour, salt and cream of tartar in a large pot.
  2. Next add the water and oil. If you’re only making one colour, add the colour as well.
  3. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. Continue stirring until the dough has thickened and begins to form into a ball.
  4. Remove from heat. Allow to cool slightly and then knead until smooth.
  5. If you’re adding colours after, divide the dough into balls (for how many colours you want). Start with about 5 drops of colour and add more to brighten it.
  6. Once it’s all mixed together you’re ready to PLAY.
  7. Store the play dough inside the bags once done to keep soft. Keeps for up to 3 months.

Colour, Colour everywhere!

Have you ever noticed the number of different colours around your house or your bedroom or in your toy box? Grade Ones went on a colour hunt and created rainbows with the objects they found. Take a look at the collection of colourful objects they found!



You may have seen these little villages popping up in school entrances, local walking tracks or sporting grounds. Spoonville is a global phenomenon that started in a small English village called Winnersh, Berkshire.  Karen, the creative mind behind the idea of making Spoony characters from wooden spoons, sought a way of cheering up her local community during Covid-19 lockdown. 


We would like to invite you to make your own 'Spoony Character' with your family. 

Start making your Spoony now. 


Check the rules below for information and tips.

Wait to see the sign inviting the Spoonville members

....then begin to join in by adding your character. Let's see how many Spoonys we can add!


Check this link  for more information https://comspoonvilleinternational/