Wellbeing & Engagement 

Wellbeing / Engagement


We find ourselves back in a remote learning position – which is strange as we were calling the last period a ‘once in a lifetime’ event. Please know that all of the staff at Rangeview are working incredibly hard to prepare for this second stretch of flexible learning. We understand that we had the benefit of ‘novelty’ the first time around and with it came enthusiasm and engagement. We will be working very hard to ensure we revive that connection to this different type of learning and we will be doing things a little differently this time, including more WebEx sessions and more opportunities for students to engage with both their teacher and each other. 


We know that remote learning isn’t ideal – far from it – and we are so thankful to have such a committed and connected community. The book pick up at school on Thursday was a beautiful example of this. I received personal thanks and positive comments and feedback from so many families – thank you. 


We will be providing links and resources to support you over the coming weeks. Please reach out to us if we can assist you or your family in any way. Please stay connected and look out for each other. 


Webinar with Andrew Fuller: Helping Young People through Anxiety, Sadness and Trauma

(Targeted to parents of 10-18 years)


Andrew Fuller is a clinical psychologist, family therapist, author, speaker and creator of Learning Strengths ™.

Andrew works with many schools and communities in Australia and internationally, specialising in the wellbeing of young people and their families.


Topics covered will include:

  • How to manage a bad day
  • Understanding how parents can help kids who worry
  • How to manage stress and exams
  • What to do when they are sad and when to be concerned if it is something more
  • Understanding trauma and how to overcome it
  • Using your Learning Strengths for success


Cost? FREE!

Where? Webinar via Zoom

When? Tuesday 4th August 7pm – 8pm

Bookings: To register, complete the online registration form by clicking the webinar Zoom link in attached flyer

For more information: contact Michelle 9298 8311 or michelle.pascoe@knox.vic.gov.au



Anglicare Victoria’s very own ParentZone Eastern and TEACHaR programs have teamed up to bring you: 


‘Schooling and Parenting during COVID-19 – Return to Remote learning’ 

A free webinar supporting parents in the Eastern Region of Melbourne with tips and tricks to survive remote learning and a further 5 week lock down.


This webinar is being provided in partnership with Boroondara, Knox, Maroondah, Monash, Whitehorse and Yarra Ranges Council.


Tickets are limited. Registration details are on the flyer attached. 





The Following ABC News Article outlines things that might help parents in lockdown. 




Warm Regards