Foundation News

The Foundation students are out to learn!

This term, during our Inquiry unit, the Foundation students have been looking at living and non-living things. We have discussed that some living things are people, animals and plants, and non-living things include cars, books and bikes. The students have also been learning about what living things need to survive and what will happen if they don’t have their needs met. We followed on from this by talking about needing things to survive and wanting things for enjoyment, like chocolate and TV!


As part of their Inquiry work, the students set out on a scavenger hunt to find living and non-living things. They said they had such a great time, as they were able to get out and walk whilst learning at the same time! Well done, Foundation. Here are some of the things the students said about this unit:


Maddie FAC - “I like finding out if things are real or not.”

Isabelle FAC - “I love looking for living and nonliving things.”

Connor FCM - “Living things need water to drink and air to breathe.”

Maya FCM - “Living things can move.”