Pastoral Care

Year 9 students at Myall Creek Massacre Memorial Site

  • Welcome back to Term 3
  • Attendance Records
  • Reconciliation Action Plan in action

 Well-being Anecdotes from the Student Diary Planner

“ Act as though what you do makes a difference.  It does."

William James

Welcome Back to Term 3

I hope all students had a positive break with their families and extend a warm welcome to all as we return to a pivotal Term for many of our students.

Under the current climate it is important that we enhance our empathy for the situation of others in our spheres of influence, and, after a somewhat unsettled Term 2 we turn our focus to supporting our Year 12 students through the Trials and final term before Graduation and the HSC. 

Year 11 will keep a watchful eye on the progress of Year 12, as they also complete their Preliminary Course and begin the HSC. Year 10 are in the process of choosing the Senior subjects, and completing Stage 5, while making important decisions about their future paths of study and learning.

Year 8 will begin to make choices regarding their electives for Year 9 and 10. Years 5, 6, 7 and 9 are working through their adjustments to new stages and situations of learning and having adapted well to the challenges of online learning earlier in the year. Now we need to continue to develop the patterns of learning which will consolidate their progress and support the calm considered approaches to learning needed to unselfishly look after the well being of everyone throughout the school.

All this is to say, that now is the time for our students to honestly consider, safeguard and support their own well being and progress, and that of the people around them. To work closely and positively with their teachers and the school to optimise learning and support all students in a calm environment conducive to study and mutual achievement. In uncertain times it is crucial that we prioritise and focus on the learning and elements which are most important.

Attendance Records

Notes / information for any unexplained absences for the final week of Term 2 should be provided as soon as possible to homeroom Pastoral Care teachers or the Student Management team by:

  1. Ringing and leaving a message on the Attendance line:  9414 4377
  2. Emailing The Attendance Roll Manager:
  3. Using the Portal to explain an absence


       4. Providing a written/printed note to your son’s Pastoral Care teachers explaining the

           absence at the next available opportunity.


The NSW Educations Standards Authority (NESA) have emphasised that all students should now be in regular patterns of school attendance and that the best way to support student learning progress and well being at this time is to normalise regular, punctual attendance to learning and supporting students. 

As always, our primary focus is the well being and safety of students under our care.

Reconciliation Action Plan

Our Reconciliation Action Plan Student Team who consolidated the College’s Narragunnawali Reconciliation Action Plan last term, were encouraged to learn that three of our Year 9 Physical Activity and Sport Studies students undertook a camping trip in the break to visit the Warrumbungles National Park, Pilliga Scrub Kamilaroi archaeological habitation site, and Myall Creek Memorial to the Wirrayaraay people who suffered there in 1838. Mid-winter camping in rural NSW can be challenging, and Liam Thomson, Mitch McGrath and Patrick Mulheron extended the reach of our 2019 Red Dirt Expedition, in ensuring that awareness and consideration of First Nations people and cultures remains in our consciousness.


Fide et Labore


Mr Sean Brannan - Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care and Well being